Plagued with tonsil stones

Posted By Macca (London, Uk) on 12/14/2012

Have suffered from this for aagggeees and its caused so many other symptoms as a result of treatments vie tried such as receding gums from brushing too much, sore throats, depression, lack of confidence etc, I have tried so many things and the health service a) don't seem to have heard about it & b) don't care unless you want to pay for laser surgery (£1500 ) I really want to hear anything anyone has found successful as this is so common and I cant believe that no one has produced something to remedy this yet! Here is a list of the things I have tried so far; Mouthwash's, Grapefruit seed extract, TCP, Cotton buds, brushing tonsils, diary free diets, liquid diets, peppermint oil, spearmint oil, salt water. this is my last hope before I have my tonsils removed (not something that id like to do) please help.

Replied by Nicole (St. Louis, Mo) on 06/01/2013

Try some skilled relaxation techniques. Just from your short paragraph you sound so stressed out and at your wits end. You need to relax. You body will never heal itself when you are so worried about something so much. Take some time each day to appreciate what you do have, take some deep breaths, try listening to a guided meditation track daily. Then, just know that you will beat this thing. Trust that it will work out. You can heal, you can do anything.

Replied by Kt (The Usa) on 06/01/2013

Nicole, I can only offer suggestions because I do not know anything about them. I had my tonsils removed long ago. I would just start out by taking a TBSP of Blackstrap Molasses in a glass of warm water before you go to bed. Try that first for a week or two to give it a chance to work. BSM contains a balance of minerals and the B vitamins.

Replied by Cure It (Karachi, Pakistan ) on 02/12/2014

Dear the solution is simple tonsil stones are completely cured with just little hard work and consistency once you eat any meal or literally anything brush with a soft toothbrush may b even dry to remove debri floss and gargle with hot salt water it will flush out the stones and prevent new ones from forming. Tested

Once u stop this procedure they will form again, so carry on easy stuff avoid alcohol, Muslims are a bit protected as they perform ablution 5 times a day before each prayer and mouth cleaning and gargling is a part of it. Good luck


Replied by Marie (London) on 11/12/2015

A lady used Golden Seal and Echinacea tinctures (both available from health shops) for a urinary tract infection and by chance discovered that her tonsil stones vanished and did not come back! Worth a try.

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