Pimples Leave Indentation Even When Not Picked

Posted By Ac (New Jersey, Nj) on 07/07/2012

When I get pimples I never pick at then however they still leave an indent/crater that is red. This happens even though I dont pick. Does anyone know why? Should I pop the white head instead? Thanks!!

Replied by Shelley (Winipeg, Manitoba, Canada) on 07/10/2012

I think its something to do with poor diet and lack of exercise, so blood doesn't circulate enough to nourish the entire body, including your skin. Your face should flush from exertion, when you exercise. Also, stay away from synthetic clothes and bedding so your skin can breathe. You may also be allergic to dairy and wheat. Drink lots of water, eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, and get your heart pumping daily with light exercise. Stay away from your skin, and really try to minimize the Junk food, and sugary foods! I think it will help you! Good luck.

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