Dirt Stained Skin, May Contain Pesticides, Any Ideas?

Posted By Diane C (California) on 01/14/2018

Last summer in California it was extremely HOT. Anyway I have a small ranch and wanted to make my property look nice as I was having company over. I got a large push broom and started working a dirt area pushing the dirt around as this makes the dirt looked tractor-ed. Makes the yard look neat. Anyway due to the extreme heat I didn't wear socks and I also rolled my jeans up as I was very hot. Well the dirt hit my feet and lower legs and stained them a medium to dark stain.

I have scrubbed some stain out and my skin turns white again only it's difficult to get off! After creaming my skin I can roll dirt off my skin like crud? Anyone know why the dirt stained my skin like this and what can I use to clean it off my skin? The dirt seems to have entered my pores? I thought it might be a medical problem but I'm not sure? One of my dogs got skin irritation lying in the dirt. I think it has pesticides from farming use in the past. I've had blood test taken recently and I was fine. I haven't gone to the doctor due to bad flu's in the area.


Replied by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 01/16/2018

My thinking is you may have disturbed a mite or nano type bug. Do you have any other symptoms like itching, swelling? Anyway if me I would exfoliate with sea salt mixed into clay (bentonite) and water to make a paste, leave on 20 mins or so while I ran a bath into which I put a cup each of borax, Epsom salts and probably more sea salt and clay. (Leaving clay paste on body). And soak in bath for minimum 20 minutes. I would also apply magnesium oil after the bath, initially I might want this quite diluted. The reason I wouldn't use coconut oil to moisturise is that some types of infestations actually feed on lipids/fats. I would try this for a week and I would also ingest borax as per Ted's protocol, to treat from inside. My symptoms could get worse initially as the infestation tries to escape the inhospitable terrain the body is becoming. And if I didn't have any infestation the treatment would still be soothing and hopefully beneficial, as assists with detox and adding minerals. To boost immune system I would also ensure 1000 mg vitamin c twice a day. Please keep us posted what you find works for you.
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Replied by Diane C (California) on 01/20/2018

Hi Teena,

Thanks for your reply!

I have lightened some of the stained skin by using Dermasil. I was also able to get rid of splinters in my hand by rubbing the Dermasil in my hands and the oily type moisture seems to slip the splinters out! The same with the dirt.

Slowly but surely the stain is lightening little by little and underneath it is my normal white skin. When I scrub some of the skin underneath in some parts there was slight redness underneath the dirt.

I have been using a soft felt like cloth to scrub my skin.

I've never had this happen to me before while living on this ranch.

I am 67 and my skin seems to have changed by being thinner and more delicate. I will protect my skin from now on when working on projects.

I don't have itching but I do sometimes feel a "tingling sensation" on my infected skin. Less now due to rubbing the dirt out.

I will try what you recommend! Sounds logical in my case!

Thanks so much! I will report back after using your treatment!

Best Regards, Diane

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