Painful knots on head could they be swollen lymph nodes

Posted By Jenifer (Booneville, Ms Usa) on 12/04/2009

I have knots on my scalp and they are very painful. I have at least four of them and I was wondering if they were swollen lymph notes.
EC: If you do a google search "painful lumps on head", you will see some interesting answers. Here's one:

Also, here's a good medical illustration of the location of lymph nodes located on the head and neck. Another illustration here.


Replied by Txu (Sausalito, California) on 11/08/2010

I am looking for someone similar to Edgar Cayce in USA. There was one in Colorado but left for Europe, I was told. I had one like him in Peru but he is almost retired. I do believe in keeping the body alkaline. I will take the Remote Viewing class again, what Cayce did can be learned and we can self diagnose... It wiil be like this soon.

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