Painful ganglion cyst in palm of hand

Posted By Lynn (Canada) on 01/25/2015

I had a large gangelion cyst on the back of hand surgically removed over 10 years ago. The surgeon, a highly skilled hand specialist, said that surgically removed gangelion cysts will inevitably return when the surgeon fails to remove the neck of the cyst. My cyst never returned. I now have a very painful gangelion cyst at the base of the palm side of my hand, which resulted from a fall where I rent, but I do not dare let a surgeon enter that area because of the complicated nexus of nerves and ligaments there. Hence, I've had two years of almost relentless pain in my palm.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 01/26/2015

Lynn/ Ganglion cyst...

I had one on my foot and went to a foot specialist, MD, who explained the above to me. He said lancing was only temporary.

But that explanation led me to try and find what was "out" in my foot. To my amazement, between the big toe and second toe (not the joint) I discovered a terrifically tender spot...about an inch and a half UP the toes. Repeated massage and especially pressure point deep into the sensitive area resulted in a felt movement of the toes. The very next day after two years of pain and irritation, the cyst was down in size by 50 percent. Over a few months of daily gentle pressure point and easy pulling of the toes apart the cyst is completely gone. I work that foot/toes now twice a week just to make sure the structure is back in pace.

That was my experience with such a cyst. If I had one on my hand, I'd do the same thing. The hand structure was damaged in your fall resulting in a shift in the structure and hence the draining.


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