Pain in feet from corns

Posted By Nicole (Oakland, Ca) on 07/18/2014

I have pain in my feets the corn I got is pain for I need help

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/18/2014

Nicole --- I know the pain from corns. After finding that podriatists are now horribly expensive and some want you to pay a visit twice, I took foot bath with Epsom salts, a handful in hot water once or twice a day, then once every other day. This makes soft, easily treatable skin using a emery board and taking care not to injure the area with sharp objects. You can scrape with your finger nail. After each foot bath apply VCO till the next session. After a while I have had no recurrence but take Epsom salt baths regularly for the comfort and it creates pretty feet. And it saved $$. Hope it helps. Om

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