Need Help For Numb Foot - Related to Disc issues?

Posted By Hollyhock (America ) on 01/25/2023

I have a question on my left foot going numb, or feeling like its gone to sleep. This is my third day. Usually this foot swells (years of this) and is painful across the top of the foot. I can only assume its related to my lower disc's problem. I like to avoid doctors, haven't been to one since early2018. I recently bought a vibration platform hoping to bring the swelling down, it helps a little. I am using Art's hyaluronic acid for my back pain and it's helping so much. Just wondered if this foot numbing problem could be related to my back? Thanks!

Replied by Art (California) on 01/25/2023


I am very glad to hear that the Hyaluronic Acid(HA) capsules and Stopain are giving you significant relief from your back pain. How long did it take to feel relief and how long have you been taking the HA and Stopain?

Regarding the numbness in your foot, it would be helpful to try and determine if the problem is originating in your lower back. Short of going to the doctor for an examination and possibly a nerve conduction test, it is hard to make that determination. One thing you can try is icing your lower back 3 times per day for 3 days in a row. In between ice pack applications, apply your Stopain roll on to the same area of the spine you are icing. If this combination offers relief of the numbness, then you have a good idea where the numbness is originating. You want to ice the area starting at the sciatic nerve area up about one foot right on the spine. If this helps, you may be able to get relief by icing everyday for a month in conjunction with the Stopain roll on and then just ice as needed to maintain the relief.

Peripheral Neuropathy(PN) can cause a similar numbness. If the icing and Stopain offer zero relief, it is possible that it could be PN, but again you would need your doctor to confirm this so that you would have an idea of what you are treating. If it turns out to be PN, this may be of help in finding relief :

Keep us updated on how you do.


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Replied by Peter (Chicago) on 01/25/2023


Is icing treatment better than heat treatment?

Also Hyaluronic Acid (HA) capsules link is no longer working.

Replied by Art (California) on 01/26/2023


I haven't heard from you in quite awhile. How is your wife doing? I hope she has the diabetes controlled. I was hoping you would have come back and updated on her progress or lack of progress.

When there is the potential for significant inflammation, heat will relax the muscles, but will likely increase the inflammation, so no, icing and heat are not the same. In the NBA and the NFL, sports figures often ice right after a game to quickly reduce damaging inflammation and some sports figures actually use a large tub filled with ice and water to reduce inflammation throughout the body. Kobe Bryant used that method fairly regularly. Icing is a very potent and fast acting anti inflammatory. In such cases, heat would be counter productive.

Regarding the link for HA capsules, hopefully EC will repair the link, but for now, this is the product that has shown very significant benefit for DDD at 3 capsules per day in conjunction with Stopain roll on :


Replied by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 01/26/2023

For something of this sort (swelling of limbs or glands) I would supplement selenium and rebound. A couple of Brazil nuts every day or every other day and rebounding several times per day, 2 minutes at a time. Or you could simply bounce on the edge of your bed for a couple minutes, several times per day. That's all rebounding is - bouncing. Gravity. Motion. That thing life does.
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