Non stop schedule and fatigue

Posted By Vanessa (Savannah, Ga) on 10/04/2012

Hello, I have a serious problem. I am having mental fatigue. I am am educational interpreter I work with the Deaf/hard of hearing. I interpret off and on the whole school day 7:15 am - 3:15 pm and at least four days out of the week I interpret either football, volleyball or tutoring mathIV. I eat healthy just real food I exercise, which I have not been doing as much because of my late hours. Today while interpreting MacBeth my brain shut down. I could not interpret my processing stopped, I had to swap out with my team and go to the school nurse. She took my blood pressure and it was normal. She suggested I go home and get some rest. Which for me I took an hour nap and had to continue on because I had tutoring and volleyball. Anyway is there anything I can take to help with my mental fatigue? I don't see an end to my long days. We have basketball season right around the corner.
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Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 10/05/2012

Vanessa, a few items should help you much. First, take a whole food, high quality, high potency, multivitamin/mineral w/ every meal; this will boost your metabolism. Now, to correct what seems like a not-so restful sleep take the hormone Melatonin 3-6 mg before retiring. Now, to nourish your brain take Fish Oil or Flax Seed Oil daily. Take the amino acid Taurine one day and Glutamine next day (rotate) as directed on labels. Take the amino acid Tyrosine daily several hrs apart from previous aminos. Finally, to further enhance energy production, boost immunity and detoxification take the nutrient DMG 250-500mg once daily.

This protocol will get you back in the game for now, BUT if you don't sustain your wellbeing for very long a time, it means you proly have some underlying disease process that needs addressing, which in many cases is a chronic fatigue syndrome like illness usually supported by either parasite infestation, pathogen infection, or both.

Hope this helps and check back here as to your results.

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Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/05/2012

Vanessa, you have to choose between your health and your income. Sometimes lowering income and increasing rest and health is a good swap.

Replied by Tinydancer (Dayton, Ohio, Usa) on 10/05/2012

Vanessa, Sounds like it could be b12 deficiency to me. I've had it, and it reads identical to what you are going through. Check out vitamin B12 under Earth Clinics supplement tab. Check your local library and see if they have a copy of "Could it be B12". I wear a Vitamin B12 patch once a week and it has made a lot of difference in my like.... check it out.
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Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/05/2012

Hi Vanessa, You're going to have to try to find some balance in your life. This is not always an easy world to live in and can be very demanding. I'm glad to hear you eat real food but you also need some rest. What happened to you is your body giving you a warning. Take heed!

I too live a very busy life but, over the years have learned balance. In between teaching ballet, I rest and spend alone time. I do some things I enjoy to restore myself. I love my work and that sustains me. Hopefully, you love yours too. If that's the case, re-frame how you see "work". Think of all the people who do things to "just make a living". I know I am fortunate enough to love my work and recognize how much it feeds me rather than drains me.

Also, consider Chinese herbs to build your chi. They make a real difference! Best to you, Lisa

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Replied by Vanessa (Savannah, Ga) on 10/06/2012

Thank you for all of the wonderful suggestions. I have sent an email to fellow interpreters to see if they can help lighten the load. My wonderful husband, has really been helping with cooking and other house hold things. I am going tomorrow to my local health food store to fine the vitamins that were suggested. I will chart my progress and report back in 30 days to see how it goes. Again thank you all. THE SITE TOTALLY ROCKS!!!!
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Replied by Vanessa (Savannah, Georgia) on 11/04/2012

It has been about 30 days. So I am sending out an update. The vitamins helped, as well as cutting back work in the short term. I know we're gonna get slammed again but this time I am better prepared. I have slotted Sunday as FUNDAY for me and my husband and that has helped. Still get tired, but not nearly as it was before. I even stared to run again. However, I may be pushing too hard again because now I have a twitch over my left eye. It only happens when I blink it feels like my eye lid is stuttering trying to open. Any thoughts?
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Replied by Rox (Deland, Florida, Usa) on 11/05/2012

You might look into Magnesium chloride oil. It is woderful helps sleep, muscles, and overall health. Most everyone is deficient.
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Replied by Heather (Leicester ) on 11/05/2012

Magnesium! Epsom salt bath- relax for 20-30 mins x
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Replied by David (Fountain Inn, SC) on 12/02/2012

You should be tested for adrenal fatigue. If you are low you can take two tablets of "adrenal" bought at any health food store. You could take two twice daily in fact, until you start feeling a surge of energy. Take with meals. You are in a high stress job and always on the go, so those like you will be typically low in much of the endrocine system and the key is the adrenal. A simple saliva test is where to start. Again, those test kits can be bought at most health food stores. As you find your energy comes back (sometimes quite suddenlly) then you can cut back to two a day.
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