Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide for Candida - Need Instructions and Dosage

Posted By Deborah (Loxley, Alabama ) on 06/22/2021

Nebulizer + hydrogen peroxide +distilled water for systemic candida

I need to know what the dosage instructions are. Someone, please help me find out. I also have other health issues. Foot neuropathy, fibromyalgia, arthritis, anxiety, depression, major fatigue, too much.

I really have tried sooo many remedies. I'm going to do this. I just need to get the proper instructions. I'm determined to keep hoping and believing for a healing. I'm 65 yrs. old and believe there are many people that really need help with natural healing. I'd love to find my health again and be able to share it will all the desperate people who don't know the way.

I'm also asking for prayer to heal from grief from losing my 47 yr. old son this past May and a 43 yr. old daughter that's been missing for 12 yrs. The way I've grown spiritually thru all this is really amazing. I just know I'm loved and I would like to share that love with others. Ty

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Replied by Deborah (Loxley, Alabama ) on 06/24/2021

The food grade 12% hydrogen peroxide should be here next week. I have the nebulizer. I need to get some distilled water to dilute the hydrogen peroxide.Can someone just give me some guidance on getting started......Has anyone tried this therapy and had success?

Replied by Shirley (Bradley, ILL) on 07/11/2021

Dr. Joe Mercola gives a lot of information on his site. So research hydrogen peroxide and nebulizer. He will tell you how to mix properly. Remember food grade hydrogen peroxide will burn you so be careful for mixing. But for candida I don't know nebulizing works for that. You could also do a search on his site for Candida. Dr. Jennifer Daniels is in to the turpentine protocol, but its not for everyone that cares for that. She gives out a candida cleaner protocol for that however you need to read it several times and do exactly what shes says or the protocol will backfire, maybe do more harm than good.

Replied by Violetta (Mo/Italy) on 07/12/2021

Dear Deborah!

I have been fighting with candida for 7 years .. I have tried almost everything !!

At this moment I make hydrogen peroxide, 2 x times a day with an inhaler .. I put hydrogen peroxide inside the glass of the inhaler, maybe more than a centimeter and inhale for 10/15 minutes .. This method allows you to use hydrogen peroxide even after eating. I use a solution already diluted at 3%, because in Italy you cannot buy the highest grade, only 3% and 12% .. Besides this I drink 25 drops hydrogen peroxide, 2 times a day, early in the morning and before going to bed .. I started with 1 drop .. I am already in the third month .. I have a marked improvement, but unfortunately I am not out yet..

I have noticed, since I stopped eating olive oil, avocado and nuts, so - the fat - even the good one ... like coconut oil, my condition improved. Please, read on the net .. CANDIDA and FATS .. You could discover interesting info .. I was convinced, that they only focus on sugars, but instead it's not like that .. I also turned to a doctor, a scientist .. This doctor helped me a lot .. I received his protocol from him .. SELF HEALER This made a clear difference in my chronic candida .. If you like you can write, he replies promptly ..

On the site you will find his email .. I found his protocol really interesting .. I follow it to the letter, and after 3 months I see results .. Besides everything, I have received, how to eat, and prepare the food .. Other things. I take to keep candida low, before eating berberine tablets, and every other day I take gymnema silvestri .. It helps to keep glycemic rate low .. I also take leufilised barley juice with a tablespoon of chlorophyll, also twice a day. I strive to eat more raw vegetables, especially sauerkraut made by myself. I take digestive enzymes, inulin, probiotics of many strains .. The supplements I buy on the American site PIPPING ROCK, truly a site with quality products and super honest prices ..

Sorry for being chaotic, plus my poor English .. I hope, that something can help you as soon as possible !!

Un grande saluto, Vaiolett..

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Replied by RP (USA) on 07/12/2021

The hydrogen peroxide must be diluted down to 3% at the maximum and some find that too strong but many use it at that percentage. You can go down to 1 1/2% as well and that is commonly used.

Both the 3% and 1 1/2% dilutions are used for respiratory infections and physicians who use it therapeutically report it to be very effective (and so do lay people who use it).

There are some who dilute it even more. If one is going to nebulize hydrogen peroxide for a long period of time, it would not be wise to use the 3% or 1 1/2% on a daily basis, day after day after day. Probably one would go even further down to 3/4% or 1/2%, otherwise one would probably irritate the respiratory tract.

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