Needs help for twin with depression

Posted By Dolores (Red Bank, Nj) on 06/25/2014

My twin sister is battling depression, emotions, fear. She tried different methods of healing, it helped very little but not enough to feel balanced, stable & normal. Also, she is very sensitive to antidepressants & vitamins. Can you recommend a holistic doctor in the South Jersey area (middlesex count nj) that may can help her to heal. Please help me. Thank you, Dolores

Replied by Kbugg (Kcmo Area) on 07/25/2014

Dear Dolores, Hope she stays away from psyche meds!!! Look into biofeedback / neurofeedback.(they are similar, but there are some differences that I can not explain) I have benefited greatly from the L.I.F.E. biofeedback system. My chiropractor referred me, as I was going through extreme distress due to a situation in my personal life. I was dealing with issues, which included some depression, as well as other emotional & psychological disturbances. I have been going to sessions just since January and the effect has been amazing! Do a bit of research if you need, but I highly recommend it for all types of issues, emotional and physical. It is NOT a stand-alone treatment, but in addition to the awesome affect of the actual session, you will glean information that will help you know what else you can do by way of diet/supplement/lifestyle suggestions. All the best to you and your sis....

Replied by Lilac (Northern Usa) on 07/27/2014

Interesting thoughts, Timh. I too derive consolation from contemplating the mystical realms, from trying to look beyond the veil of the physical, visible realm. Just be careful. As the New Testament advises, "Test the spirits to see whether they be of God." You mention that you are disabled, so maybe you have much time at your disposal, and in such cases the imagination can run wild. I often contemplate Jesus saying "You will know them by their fruits." He was essentially advocating for the scientific method of proof by observation, the method that scientists still use. So, while it's of great interest to learn of these mystical things, we also need to keep our critical faculties sharp. One can read the internet and learn anything about anything. I'm neither discounting nor approving anything you said...I can't do that because I have no personal knowledge of these things...I'm just counseling caution and critical thinking.

Replied by Lilac (Northern Usa) on 07/28/2014

Dolores, Here is a link where you can find your sister a physician of Functional Medicine. They treat with natural remedies and would only use drugs when the natural remedies fail. Meanwhile, know that your concern for your sister is in itself a healing for her. Have a look at Dr. David Perlmutter's best selling book GRAIN BRAIN. You can use his approach to your sister's depression, and Dr. Perlmutter is a physician of Functional Medicine. He says that for brain health, including mood, STAY TOTALLY AWAY FROM GLUTEN and use LOTS of HEALTHY FATS. I think it would be good to find your sister a physician of Functional Medicine.


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