Questions About Supplements to Detox From Exposure to Phenol Chloroform

Posted By Sj272015 (Ny, Ny) on 01/04/2016

I work as a researcher in a lab and was exposed (~30min inhalation) to a suspected carcinogen called phenol chloroform. What holistic medicine detoxes should I use to cleanse my body? I was recommended to try benzonite clay and 'Omega Start Detox' (from the company called 'Fresh Start'). Could these possibly interact with the chemical I was exposed to?

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 01/05/2016

Sj, I don't know about the other stuff, but bentonite clay is certainly detoxing. Just don't overdo a good thing.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 01/06/2016

Sj: After briefly viewing the Freshstart Products, looks like some very high quality to me, which is exciting because I am always recommending this quality multi for folks here on E.C. All these nutrients build immunity and enzyme function, thereby increasing the success of removing harmful or toxic substances from the body. The clay suggested by Mmsg would help eliminate any excess toxins that may be present in the gut or liver/gall. So if you are generally healthy and not over 60 yrs, these 2 remedies will proly be sufficient; if not, it will be necessary to substantially increase your body's first line of defense antioxidant called Glutathione.

To boost Glutathione, take 1000mg NAC prior to lunch and again prior to supper. Before retiring take 200mcg Selenium and 3mg Melatonin. Do this daily for at least one wk fallowing chemical exposures and maybe once per wk for general prevention and maintaining proper Glutathione levels.

Other natural plant based detox enzyme boosting products to consider is Wheat Sprouts Concentrate and I3C aka Sulforaphane aka Broccoli Sprouts Extract or Concentrate. These will significantly increase detoxification as well as cancer risk reduction. Fulvic Acid is another all-natural product that is capable of detoxing nearly any or all harmful substances in the body.

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