Need to ask advice about perimenopause

Posted By Tina (Salinas, California) on 06/09/2009

just need to ask for advice for peri/premenopausal remedies...i've been taking multivitamins, herbs such as black cohosh, 5htp at night, extra calcium, magnesium, bcomplex, trying to exercise, watch what i eat....still a little anxious during day, wake up a lot during night because of hot flashes, night sweats...appreciate safe advice. thank you.

Replied by Ellen (Gainesville, FL) on 06/24/2009

Acupuncture has helped me, along with Evening Primrose Oil, extra calcium and eliminating all caffeine and chocolate from my diet. Anything with caffeine in it seems to worsen my hot flashes and insomnia, no matter how small of a serving I have.

Replied by Kc (Washington, Dc) on 04/19/2010


I see that you mentioned you are taking b vitamins. I just wanted to let you know that I had started taking b complex and it actually made me MORE anxious. They can be very tricky. For some people they are great for anxiety. But, for others such as myself, it makes the situation worse.


Replied by T (Maryland, Usa) on 04/20/2010

If you suspect your B-complex is giving you problems, you could try switching brands or forms. I had bought a liquid form with the aim of better absorption - it wasn't long before I realized it was making me quite irritable. The capsules I have, on the other hand, have been pretty beneficial. They are the same brand, oddly enough! I don't know why the difference in effect, but it's just something you might consider before stopping B's entirely.

Replied by Dara (Los Angeles, Ca Usa) on 07/16/2010

First off, I love this website thank you so very much. Earth Clinic is much needed with all the silly drug companies trying to feed us their drugs. . . . Second, Ladies You all rock! ! ! It seems that WE are the help that we need, so lets keep finding out what works and writing it down. It seems that peri menopause remedies are really hard to find. I realized yesterday at 44 that I am not insane nor falling apart but I am changing. At this time I have nothing to contribute but will start trying ACV and go from there. . . . ALSO does anyone have a good women's vitamin for Perimenopause? I tried Internet sites but they all want my arm & leg. Natural is better. . . . . BTW my daily diet consists of very healthy eating habits and until my severe depression & lack of focus I exercised 3-4 times a week. Today I have started a 21day detox cleanse and exercise regime. I'm taking my life back!!!

Replied by Mesem (Toulon, France) on 01/08/2011

This is pretty basic thinking but...
After 50 years a woman is no longer reproductive so whatever happens to her body after 45-50 is not a result of evolutionary pressures, thus women are stuck with this highly primitive long process of dying. I guess having a healthy grandmother would have implications on the survival rate of grandchildren but other than that I can't see an evolutionary reason for us to be around long... I have only thought about this 5 minutes before writing so there are probably some holes in my theory! Men keep reproducing for much longer so they are implicated even in old age in the evolutionary process.

Replied by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 01/10/2011

Hi Mesem, your post is interesting. I read a chapter on menopause from a book by a doctor who believe's supplements are the key to health so she is one of us, and her theory is that we women have trouble sleeping at night during and after menopause because in a tribal setting we would be looking after our non sleeping grandchildren, and the mother can have a well earned rest. More food for thought! Cheers Lily.

Replied by Brightyoga (Long Beach, Ca, Usa) on 04/10/2011

<P>Here's an expert on the topic &amp; her website.</P>
<DIV class="profile-info clearfix"><BR>
<DIV class=profile-image-container><A class=profile-picture href="" target=_blank><IMG alt="Christiane Northrup" src=""></A></DIV><BR>
<DIV class=profile-details>
<DIV class=full-name>
<H2>Christiane Northrup</H2><SPAN class="screen-name screen-name-DrChrisNorthrup pill">@DrChrisNorthrup</SPAN>œT: 40.761505, -73.995235</DIV><BR>
<DIV class=bio>Visionary pioneer and beloved authority in the field of women's health and wellness.</DIV><BR>
<DIV class=url><A href="" rel="me nofollow" target=_blank>

Replied by Monica (Palmyra, Nj) on 03/27/2012

You can't possibly be serious! "I can't see an evolutionary for us to be around long" ???? That post is insulting to every woman over 45-50 who reads it.

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