What Remedies Can Help Stubbed Little Toe Pain?

Posted By Todayishine (Heavenbound) on 10/22/2015

Greetings to all,

I bumped my little toe and it is still sore 3 day later. I soaked it in vinegar and water. Took pain killers and the pain is still painning me. It's not broken. I can still walk. Your suggestion are greatly appreciated.

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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 10/23/2015

T: It is possible that there is a mycoplasma or fungal infection in the toe, although this is most times evident in the big toe.

In a worst case scenario, for a personal example, the late, great Bob Marley stubbed his toe and it became chronically painful & infected; got treatment but never completely healed, and neglected to continue treatments and progressed into a full-blown and deadly cancer.

I am currently treating a mycoplasma infection in the index finger joint on left hand with first Magnet Therapy and next Zapping on a nearly daily bases for a few minutes each with slow but sure results. If there is no redness or swelling to note (which may rule out infection), Magnet Therapy alone will reduce the swelling & pain.


Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 10/23/2015

Hello Today shine....

About the toe issue

I'd try a poultice of DMSO diluted with aloe perhaps, or water. Wrap toe with a white paper towel soaked in the solution and let soak for 20 minutes; repeat four or five times over a day or two. To see a good video series on the anti inflammatory effect of DMSO, Google "DMSO 60 minutes Dr. Jacobs" and you'll be amazed.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/23/2015

Todayishine, read up on castor oil packs, and clay poultices.

Replied by Todayishine (Heavenbound) on 10/23/2015

Greetings to all,

Thank you for your help. I will start trying some these suggestions out now.



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