Need Immune System Support Remedies After Hospitalization With C-Diff and P

Posted By Maria (Miller Place, New York) on 03/21/2016

Have been in hospital for 7 days with c diff and pneumonia. Should be discharged today. I still hAve diarrhea and feeling washed out. My white cells are normal. All of blood work is within. Normal Range.

My question is: What can I take at home to help me n boost my immune system. Thanks


Replied by Timh (Ky) on 03/22/2016

M: There are a number of causes to immune deficiency, so you may want to do a review of your disease history, like where & when you had health problems.

To begin, one of the most common reasons for immune suppression is a Zinc deficiency. 25-50 mg Zinc daily w/ 1.5 or 3 mg Copper will make long-term improvements. Do not take Zinc w/ high fiber foods. Vit-B6 greatly improves Zinc utilization (so you can take lesser mg's of Z.)

There could be deeper issues like dirty colon or parasites gained from pets that can bring the immunity way down. An annual parasite cleans and colon cleans is recommended for optimal health. How is your digestion & elimination? Many alt health providers say "It all starts in the gut". Any history of Candida or fungal infections?

Vit-C taken w/ MSM is a great combination for detoxification and natural immunity boosting. Several species of Medicinal Mushrooms are big favorites in the alt health community for immune boosting. Shrooms like Shitake, Mitake, Reishi, and Cordyceps Sinensis, among others. When shopping for these, look for "Mushroom Complex" w/ as many different species as possible for best effect.

Oh, let me back up a bit, and include very essential Iodine which is notoriously lacking in the modern diet. Iodine supplements or Kelp will help much. To complement the Iodine which improves the Thyroid also take Coconut Oil by diet or supplement. For further help with metabolism and energy, take Ginseng root (Ginseng also boost immunity).

To help rebuild the Thymus gland which is the brain of the immune system, do a little exercise called "Thymus Tapping" and take a supplement of Raw Bovine Thymus Glandular.

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