Need home remedy in case of internal injury

Posted By Sandy (Il, US) on 12/04/2014

I met with an car accident some 11 days ago. Immediately after the accident I had tremendous pain in my upper abdomen. I came out of the car for fresh air and started breathing normally. But the pain continued. We were taken to ER and released after taking xrays for my ribs because by the time we reached hospital the pain moved to ribs. There was no fracture. I treated my rib pain with epsom salt and lavender oil and they are under control But today I lifted something heavy and also ate some gassy food. So for the whole day there was nagging pain on right side of my stomach and some uncomfortabel feeling at the lower back (right side) while passing stool. I started reading about internal injury online and I am bit upset. Can anybody suggest me any home remedies in case there is internal bleeding or injury. Today I am feeling fine but taking it light.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 12/05/2014

If it were me I would go to a Chiropractor for additional test and treatment. I would also wear a Magnet Belt to reduce inflammation (probably what's causing the pain) and help heal any bruising. A hot bath w/ 1/2 cup Epsom Salts will also improve the wound.

Healing takes some time, but w/ these additional treatments, that time can be shortened.


Replied by Andrea C (Wales) on 12/05/2014

If you think you may have internal bleeding then you need a hospital not Earth Clinic as it's then a matter of life or death possibly!!!

Love Andrea C xxx


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/04/2014

Sandy (Il.US) ----

There is an Ayurvedic remedy for internal and traumatic injuries to be taken as soon as possible. A large glass of very warm milk with at least one heaped tblsp. of turmeric. Try this once or twice in a day. Turmeric addresses internal injuries. Forget about black pepper.

For bones and connective tissue use Symphitum 30C homeopathic which is very healing.

Wishing you a speed recovery. Namaste, Om

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Replied by Suzanne (Buffalo, Ny) on 12/05/2014

I am sorry to hear about your accident. If you suspect an internal injury, you should seek a professional and proper diagnosis, not home remedies. You might have bruised an organ like the liver in the accident. The gallbladder is also in the area you are complaining about. In such a case, it take weeks to heal and you must be careful not to re-injure the area. Rib injuries take a long time to heal too, even bruised ribs. An osteopathic doctor might be able to help. Please let us know how you are doing!

Replied by Sandy (Naperville, Il) on 12/07/2014

Thank you so much. I did take Turmeric with Milk and Honey once, but after reading your post I will do it regularly until all the pain symptoms are disappear. I also took Bromonail 500 mg yday. But it was a very strong dose. As of today most of the pain has gone away and only one side of one rib has little pain. Thank you so much.

Hari Om


Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/07/2014

Sandy (Naperville Il) please take Comfrey for the ribs and connective tissue. That is Symphytum Homeopathic as well. I did that when I fell awkwardly and remembered Comfrey. It is available also as Symphytum. The turmeric in milk starts internal healing and soothes sore areas.

all the best and speedy healing. Namaste, Om

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