Need help regarding these symptoms

Posted By Kaka (Boston, Massachusetts) on 03/24/2011

Hi, For the last month, I've been getting a constant Post nasal drip (mucus) from the back of my throat which I have to spit out like every 1 minute, the mucus is clear, bubbly and incredibly glue like (it sticks to absolutely anything Yuk! )

Also, I have a constant yellowish/whiteish, and sometimes a greenish tint coating at the back of my tongue, it is incredibly thick and I brush everyday (with occasional mouthwash), but it continues.

Along with the coating, there is a constant foul taste in my mouth and throat, it kinda tastes like acid (I think this "taste" is due to the coating of my tongue, I think I'm always tasting the coating on my tongue and its disgusting)

Furthermore, I've got excessive bubbly and frothy saliva which makes it hard to talk to pppl and just constantly takes over my mouth (sigh). Although I belive this saliva "could" be from my body trying to neautralise all the mucus and coating on my tongue and throat, therefore creating more and more saliva, but I don't know for sure.

Sometimes, the saliva is incredibly sticky and along with the sticky mucus from my throat, it is the worst feeling ever :(:(

Finally, my hard palate (the bit behind my front teeth) kinda tingles just slightly if I place my tongue on it, which is rly annoying cos my tongue is there all the time. I also have some pressure on my front two teeth but not much.

From time to time, I have a bad cough too.

I've been to the doctors a few times, had antibiotics for sinuses- did nothing, now they think its acid reflux?? I've just started meds for it a few days ago but no improvement yet and I dont have any heartburn :(

I've had a lot of sinus issues in the past, but havnt really caused on going symptoms like these, could this be from my sinues?? like an undetectable infection or soemthing?? antibiotics did nothing :(

could acid reflux cause this???? :(

I dnt know if this is related but all these problems started when I used a new toothpaste, which kinda dried out my mouth a lot for a week, and these issues started after. But I dont think it is because of toothpaste lol.

Im totally depressed bcos I hav to go through this everyday :(. Im starting to perform badly in school as well and hav A LOT of anxiety. I think anxiety is making all the symptoms worse :( I cant talk bcos of the excess mucus/saliva and taste in my mouth

what could cause all of this??? sinus?/ acid relfux??

is there any cure? or home remedies I can use to AT LEAST mask the symptoms, bcos they are depressing me soooo much

thanx a lot guys :( - from a very depressed teenager


Replied by Ginny (Boise, Idaho) on 03/24/2011

Your problem could be the Chem Trails and the Ariel spraying that is going on in the sky. (Youtube - What in the world are they spraying?" ) Myself and my dog had most of your symptoms. I did a metal detox on both of us with chlorella, spirulina, high vit c, Fossil shell powder. My dog had to take Marshmellow root , as he was older and it effected him more. In the Chem Trail Spray are nano particles that go in to your lungs and nose and irritate them. Slice and dice! My dog would hack up dinner plate size of flem after the day of spraying. I get runny noses when I am outside and they are spraying.

Cause # 2. A few years ago, if I would drink milk, anytime close to brushing my teeth, I would hack for a long time and tons of mucous came out. I stopped using fluoride tooth paste and the problem went away.


Replied by Catherine (Wellington, New Zealand) on 03/26/2011

It sounds like a really bad sinus infection possibly coupled with candida, but you have obviously had this checked out. I myself had sinus issues from early teens (am now 68) and finally was rid of them almost overnight a couple of years ago when I started "the watercure" The theory being that when your body is dehydrated it produces mucus to prevent more loss of fluid. (sounds a bit backward I know but it works and not just for sinus problems) The minimum water requirement per day is based on 1oz per 2lbs of body weight, sea salt is also a part of the cure. All information on the "watercure" can be found online. Hope it helps you as it has me, my nose is now constantly dry and I haven't even had a cold since.

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