Need Help for Seasonal Allergies

Posted By Judy (St. Charles, Mo) on 03/20/2012

I have dealt with allergies most of my life, did allergy shots many yrs. ago, 1st sinus infection in the mid 60's, moved to Mo., now have constant allergy & sinus problems. Avoid drs because they just want to put me on antibiotics and anthitamsines they just make me sleepy, do nothing for sinus drainage except make it worse the next morning. Have tried quercetin which does help, extra vit. C which helps but works as a antihistamine for me and puts me to sleep, just started back on Acv to see if it will help with knee and back pain. Very tired and feeling lots of fatigue to go along with this, one Dr. told me I had cfs I just had to live with it. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Replied by Amanda (Wyong, Nsw) on 03/20/2012

Hi to whom it may concern, I'm currently studying to be a Naturopath myself:

I'm reading this on allergies and you might have to do some lifestyle changes, try taking yourself off wheat and dairy for a start and make your home a chemical free one and also get your vit D levels checked. You can do this at the drs if they will do it! Or go to this website will be very beneficial to you! Hope this helps or email me at jemmashay(at) cheersxxx


Replied by Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia) on 03/20/2012

Colloidal silver is pretty good for sinus-related allergies. I get hayfever most mornings, and a one minute gargle of 5ml and a couple of squirts up the nose usually sorts it out. :) You can buy it from health food stores, mine is 15-20ppm (parts per million).

Replied by Tim (Chattanooga, Tn) on 03/21/2012

Heat up just plain white vinegar on the stove or micrwave and breathe in the vapors in the morning or whenever you can. It may not cure you, but your sinuses will open up.

I have a friend who is allergic to just about everything green on the planet, lol. She takes some meds from the doctor for control of sinus n the summer months, but uses the vinegar vapor method when it gets to bad, works for her, Tim.


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