Need help for constant fatigue

Posted By Daniel (New Jersey) on 05/17/2015

Hi my name is Dan, I'm 25 and I live constantly with fatigue. I've tried diet, exercise, vitamins, apple cider vinegar and a lot of different supplements and herbs to no effect.

My blood tests came back fine (according to my doctor) and I tested "completely" negative for sleep apnea.

I have constant nasal congestion (in one side) even after deviated septum surgery. I seem to sleep fine, going to bed relatively easily, don't wake up frequently at night though I do snore a little bit. Please let me know if you have any insight into this ongoing problem of mine! Thanks!

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Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/18/2015

Daniel, someone in the same situation, started taking a tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses (the real black, thick stuff) in a glass of hot water daily and was "up and at it" within a week. They started with twice a day, but after noticing such great results, they tapered down to one a day with same results.
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Replied by Timh (Ky) on 05/18/2015

Mmsg: I will second that BSM administration by warm liquid as I occasionally drink a cup of fresh coffee w/ a big spoon of the thick BSM and the results is like coffee on steroids. BSM is the absolute best substitute for traditional cane sugar or now synthetic sugars in coffee.
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Replied by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 05/18/2015

Are you a vegetarian? I am and I found that taking B12 and B vitamin complex has helped, as well as eating eggs from time to time.
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Replied by Daniel (New Jersey) on 07/08/2015

Even though I try to eat vegan as much as possible, I do eat meat. I believe I may have a sleep problem. I take coconut oil and trace minerals. That combination seems to get me through the day but I constantly wake up tired and never feel refreshed.
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Replied by Sam (Miami) on 07/08/2015

Check your vitamin b12 levels. Sometime your body is lacking an intrinsic factor (google) to make b12 available for your body. The only test for that is MMA in urine or blood. Not B12 test. You can do it through Privatemd lab, no need to see a doctor. Insomnia and tiredness are indicators that something is seriously not working. I am reading Why isn't my brain working? book, and if I find something that might be useful for you, will let you know. Each chapter in this book starts with symptoms. I just discovered that I have all GABA imbalances symptoms.
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Replied by Daniel (New Jersey) on 07/14/2015

Thanks for the reply Sam! Unfortunately I've had a blood test recently and my b12 levels were fine. I feel my problem isn't as simple.......
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Replied by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 07/14/2015

Hi Daniel (New Jersey) ---

Your fatigue is what I have, off and on, most of my life. Considering diet, life style, spirit, I can't find a cause as it goes far back.

The only answer may be Bill Munro's oxygen regimen (here on EC). I hope to find what is needed to implement this H202 cure that made him cure cancers and have a long life.

Good luck in your research.

Namaste, Om

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Replied by Sam (Miami) on 07/14/2015

Please make sure they tested MMA not B12. Don't take doctor's word, ask specifically. You can have enough B12 in your blood, yet it is unavailable to the tissues. The same goes with oxygen, you can show enough in your blood, yet your tissues and organs could be starving because you need enough CO2 for it to be released. This is called Bohr effect. Google intrinsic factor and pernicious anemia

Replied by Daniel (New Jersey) on 07/15/2015

Sam, if I do have low intrinsic factor or mma, would the solution be supplementation?
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