Natural Remedies for Respiratory Reflux?

Posted By Dan (Florida) on 06/24/2018

Hi to everyone!! Just a question and help!! Does anybody suffer from respiratory reflux? It is basically a back flow of stomach acid that can reach the throat, nose, sinuses, and lungs, symptoms a cough, burning, itchy throat, hoarseness and difficulty swallowing. It's fun at all! I have tried most otc meds, finding relief, not lasting. Any suggestions are welcomed!!




Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/25/2018

You are probably lacking in acid and enzymes to digest food. I would try a tsp of apple cider vinegar with the mother, in 12 ounces of water each day and then a tbsp of kefir and increase the kefir as you can tolerate it. I also use a multi digestion product.

I also find multi mineral salt and proper amounts of water help the body with digestion.

If elimination is not working properly try magnesium citrate or docusate sodium.

Prop your head up a bit with an extra pillow until you get it further under control and you could use a 1/2 tsp of baking soda in water at bedtime to get the bloating to turn into burps and release the pressure.

Here is Ted's response on another post from

Ted's Acid Reflux Remedy: How Long Before Results

Posted by Brian (San Fran, CA) on 03/19/2007

Doctor prescribed Omeprazole to remedy my acid reflux. After 8 weeks no remedy but rather more acid reflux and the addition of joint pain and constant sore throat. Fred's Cure (formula acv/baking soda) appears to be my remedy. Question: How long do I have to use this formula? Will my problem disappear after using formula for month or so? Or will be required to take it the rest of my life?

Reply Replied by Ted
384 posts

Question: How long do I have to use this formula?

Actually it's Ted's remedy, but you can use either of the formula, one lime and 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda or 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. It takes about 2-3 weeks to notice results because it takes that long for the body to have enough bicarbonates necessary to normalize. The reason why you have sore throat and joint pain is that most of doctors meds are acid forming and causes your body to have a mild case of acidosis. You can also use just 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken twice a day. The reason why apple cider or the lemon formula is preferred is that it has some potassium, and other components that will help the body's biochemistry achieve normalization faster.

Will my problem disappear after using formula for month or so?

It works so far so good.

Or will be required to take it the rest of my life?

Bad diets and acid forming food will likely cause you to take it whenever your body is acid or urine pH is below 6.5. I prefer a urinary pH closer to 7.0 in practice.

The exception is if you diets is essentially vegetarian and eat an ocassional fish, in which case you probably won't need this remedy since the body is already alkalize.

Much depends on what you eat. For me I take it only when my urinary pH says I am acid which is quite often pH below 6.5"

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Replied by Anon (Usa) on 06/25/2018

Eat small, easy to digest meals and don't eat within 3 hours of laying down. Kefir, cabbage, papaya, raw turmeric root, sulfur, brewer's yeast, raw eggs, juice made from raw vegetables, canned pumpkin. No coffee, soda, black tea, alcohol, sugar, aspartame, sucralose, no artificial anything. Colloidal silver in case you have an infection like h.pylori. Digestive enzymes. Ted's alkalizing remedy.

Replied by Dan (Florida) on 07/25/2018

Hi and thanks for all the advice, Charity. I have done most of it but some suggestions I'll try.

Thanks Anon, for the advice!


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