My Pug Has Severe Chronic Bladder Infections

Posted By Sha44ss (New Jersey) on 01/24/2016

I am looking for help for my Male Pug age 11.

Diagnosed with Bladder Incontinence due to

Neurological issue 2 years ago. His back legs are weak and has some muscle loss in bag legs but still goes up and down steps although I watch him so he doesnt fall. I take him for walks 3X a day to keep him moving and massage his muscles. It was controllable up until September of 2015.

Had to be hospitalized because of severe bladder infections 3X since September>blood clots and mucus in urine and could not pee. Had to be catheterized! Put on Prednisone and Given antibiotics(Amox the first time and two bladder medications> Bethanechol 5mg every 8 hours and Phenoxbenzamine every 12 hours. Came home was better for awhile and then had another bad bout that needed Doxycyclene to get rid of infection. Was on that for two weeks and his urine was clear and thought it was under control! Within a week he had another infection and blood tests that said another infection had started and Amox was given again. (Said Doxy would not clear up THIS infection)

Needless to say...$3000, many xrays and blood tests and cateterizations and he is home but they say he has some calcification of bladder and gave me Dasuquin 1 X day for 30 days and still on ALL same MEds which are KILLING me financially( My husband and I are retired on SSec) and we have NO Savings! Of Course ELI is our baby and we want to try and SAVE him. He is eating well (too well> the Prednisone makes him hungry and very thirsty. I have him in a male wrap with incontinence pads and I keep him CLEAN. I don't know how long I can keep him on the Bladder meds which they say he will need the rest of his life.($125.00 every 6 weeks) ..and they say his bladder is Chronic and inflamed and the blood may stay now too! ...

I am at a loss what to do. I come from the babyboomer generation and know that Grandma's remedies used to work. Talked to the Vet about that but didn't recommend trying any baking soda or anything like that of course.

I myelf take baking soda tablets for my Kidney Stones and have been clear and no hospital for 5 years.

Thinking I will try the Apple Cider remedy but not sure if it will neutralize any of the medications.

I want to change his diet to more vegetagles too.

Any advice or Idea's and experience with this kind of problem wi be appreciated. Just trying to stretch out his days as long as I can.


Replied by Lauren (Queens, Ny) on 01/25/2016

Hi there....My dog had a similar problem...there was blood in his urine suddenly without warning. I freaked out and immediately took him to the vet. They priscribed antibiotics. I came home and jumped on google...a lot of people were saying use cranberry which I immediately tried. Also, I found a lot of good reviews on an herb called Uva Ursi on amazon which I purchased as well. I used that as directed and also made sure that he drank a lot of water to flush out his kidneys. My dog hates water so I got creative and made tea which he loved so that was what I used to flush out his kidneys. It was amazing to see the crystals in his urine when he pees. I later realized that the food I had him on was also making the problem worse because you are not supposed to feed them kibble because it dehydrates them even more and makes the problem worse. So I took him off the kibble and fed him mostly rice with chicked/veggies until he was completely well. To this day that's what he eats most of the time and it's been a few months now and the problem has not reoccurred. I hope this helps in making your dog better. I know how diffucult it is when they are sick. It just breaks your heart.

Replied by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Texas) on 01/25/2016

It sounds like your pug may be having circulation problems with his back legs and that area in general, resulting in bladder infections because nutrients aren't getting to the cells and pathogens aren't being cleared. That may be why the infections keep recurring. One remedy you could try is DMSO. There is a page here on EC to check out. DMSO is cheap and you can get it at a livestock store over the counter, also on Amazon. Good luck with your boy!

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