My girlfriend needs help for numbness and pain in right arm

Posted By Blagre78 (Houston, TX) on 12/01/2014

My girlfriend has been experiencing numbness and pain on her right arm down to her hand for 2 months now. It comes and goes but when it is present it is very bothersome to the point that she wakes up while sleeping. We are thinking it could be a pinched nerve near the neck area since she has a lot of tension on the shoulders and neck, due to an accident she was in, the beginning of the year. She has had massages and soaks to help relieve the tension but it's only temporary. What can we do to alleviate and heal the pain away?

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 12/02/2014

Dear Blagre78,

Has she tried a chiropractor? I know adjustments from a good chiropractor have helped me with a similar problem.

She could also try turmeric. It is good for pain and inflammation. She could try four capsules with a glass of water 2-4 times a day. I take it every two hours at times for pain.

Natural Calm, a magnesium supplement, before bed may also be helpful.

I hope she finds relief soon!

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Timh (Ky, US) on 12/02/2014

Pain and numbness in the right arm can be a sign of gallstones.

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 12/02/2014

Blagre78, read up on chiropractic help, especially adjustments of the "atlas". That might get to the source of the problem.

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