Mother has haemoptysis coughing up blood

Posted By Eskaay (Uk) on 11/16/2014

This is with regard to my mother who is coughing blood intermittently in the phlegm since last 12 months (frequency increased from 3 months to one month though not everyday).

CT scan characterised as tree-in bud opacities in LLL + lingua lobe; and upon investigation through branchoscopy, she grew Mycobacterium Avium on sputum and Mycobacterium Abscessus and BAL - H Influenzae.

No symptoms of TB.

She is 74 years old, non-smoker and non- drinker. She is well with stable weight and no fevers or chills or night sweats. She eats normal.

Upon visit to a private doctor's clinic, she's been referred antibiotic (Augmentin 375mg) for BAL - H Influenzae for two weeks; and have been referred for a second opinion.

I will be grateful if anyone has suffered this condition and if there is a natural remedy for this. Ted or Bill - could you pls help.

I am a fan of earthclinic and so much trust readers' experiences and views; and always go to the site when there is any kind of illness for a remedy.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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