Male 17 with lymph node infections

Posted By Josh ( Columbus, Ohio ) on 07/08/2010

Hi, I'm a 17 year old male, and I've been having problems with this since I was 14. They started off easy and never popped, but over time, they keep getting worse, bigger and leave scars. I get them in between my upper legs, under my arms(none lately there)and also on the back of my neck and my groin area. The ones on my neck get big- 2 inches or larger and they never pop. They stay for 1-2 months then go down and new ones come. The ones on my groin area is the worst. They get big, tender and the skin gets thin and loose and it gets red/dark reddish color. After a while they pop and leave a hole for a bit and it just keeps repeating itself. I went to the doctors for it before I knew what it was. They gave me an anti bacterial scrub that didn't help at all. Just wanting some tips and advise to help control and fix this problem, Thanks. And am I able to get my whole lymph node removed?

Replied by Melanie (Clayton, De) on 03/30/2011

Garlic and onions are sulphur. So is DMSO, which I bought at the local harness shop. I have had swollen lymph nodes for 15 years and a stiff-neck. I painted my whole neck with 5% iodine solution for a week with unbelievable results to my brain and spinal cord. But the day I stopped the iodine and painted my neck with DMSO.......... after 15 years, the nodes were 3/4 size the next morning! check out this website

Replied by Passion For Health (Paradise, Australia) on 06/26/2011

Hi Josh from Columbus, you cannot just have a lymph node removed (surgeons will remove just one to check for existance of cancer), it is not the nodes that are causing the cysts that you have. If you have EVEN ONE node removed, a whole new line of problems come into play, the removal of one lymph node can cause a life time of pain and anguish due to incorrect levels of lymph flow, you may end up with lymphodeoma and that will be worse than the pain of the cysts. Try castor oil for the cysts - EVERY day - not just when you remember. Natural remedies dont work because people stop using them because they take longer to prepare and use than a pill that can be popped within seconds.

Replied by Leslie (New Castle, Pa) on 06/27/2011

I had an enlarged lymph node that was wreaking havoc with the left side of my throat and my face. It would enlarge and then cause ear, face and throat pain. An ENT doctor removed the lymph node. This was 20 years ago and I've never had an issue again.

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