Maintaining health under stress

Posted By Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 10/03/2012

My 103 yr old mother is in final stages of heart failure. She is being kept comfortable and has lead an active lifestyle until the age of 100, so it's been a process of slowly come to terms with her leaving. I feel very blessed by God.... I look at this time I've had as a gift. My question is concerning stress one goes through. How do you build up your body to deal with the emotional stress? When my husband's father was dying several years ago, the stress caused him to contract a severe cold that last a long time. He was so sick and was miserable. When you do everything right, (diet, exercise, meditation/prayer) to be in balance, as I try to do, I felt today that I was trying to "come down" with something. I do my PH balancing every morning. Any suggestions? ")

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/04/2012

Hi Sue M. , Sorry to hear about the stress you're feeling. I know you started taking Chinese herbs. I don't recall which ones exactly but I know the ones to build the body are reishi and chaga mushrooms, gynostemma- actually any of the adaptogens. I have been taking 8 Immortals on a daily basis now for 6 months and feel very steady energy and calm which I attribute to this.

Also, lypospheric vitamin c will combat results due to stress. I use this too. I order it on Amazon. There have been quite a few posts on this recently on here. And then, of course, a very healthy diet keeps us steady.

Wishing you the best, Lisa


Replied by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 10/04/2012

Hi Lisa.... Thank you for responding. I'm taking the Rehmannia Six Combination and it does not contain any of the reishi/chaga mushrooms. The Pearl Powder is what it says it is.... Ground up fresh water pearls. So far, I am so pleased with both. You made me a believer! ") For some unexplained reason, I decided to read about Dragon Herbs products and reviews on iHerb and I ran across the Pearl Shen formula. When I contacted Dragon Herbs to see if this is something I should be taking, the consultant was surprised that I wasn't taking a form of Shen. She said it would do what you said the Immortal 8 does for you. My bottle arrived yesterday and hopefully, will help. I take the Pure Radiance Vitamin C.... Started double dosing. Is there that much of a difference in lypospheric Vit C and what I'm taking? Bless you.

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/05/2012

Hi Sue, I'm so glad to hear you are seeing results with your Chinese herb regimen. They give you such sustained energy! Ron Teeguarden says he wouldn't be without reishi and David Wolfe feels that way about chaga. I'm feeling this way about my 8 Immortals! I checked out your Pearl Shen- wow! That's an awesome and powerful combination too! I can't wait to hear your feedback on that one.

As for the lypospheric vitamin c, yes, I believe it is superior. It was the Dr.who gave me my stem cell treatment that told me I should take it as it is a very effective anti- inflammatory and as effective as vitamin c IV therapy. I no longer take it daily but on days when I need a boost after swimming a lot. I can feel its effects within about 15 minutes. You might want to give it a try. The dr. also told me that stress just eats up vitamin c immediately! Especially during this time of stress for you it might be a good idea. It's something I don't want to be without. When anyone in my family starts to feel stressed or sick, I make them take a packet and it immediately turns them around.

Anyway, it's always good to hear from you and I wish you the best during this very trying time. Looking forward to hearing about your Pearl shen experience! Lisa


Replied by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 10/05/2012

Lisa, thanks for the intresting info on the herbs and vitamin C. Do you take the immortal herbs individually or in the tincture formula... I see on iherb it is priced over $50... Wondering if it could be had for cheaper.

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/05/2012

Hi Rob, Good to hear from you and I'm glad you appreciate the info. The 8 Immortals on the Dragon Herbs site is $55. I know it seems expensive but, if you could take into account how it enhances your health and that Ron Teeguarden is insistent on using the finest quality herbs available then it isn't that pricey. I use the tincture and now don't want to be without it! Also, many of the ingredients in this formula are wild. He travels back and forth to China to oversee all his sources all the time. Because of all this, I am willing to pay this price rather than have to visit the doctor due to illness. I refuse to do that so, this is my alternative.

Also, consider having a phone consultation with them as it costs you nothing. I know both Sue M. and Meg did and were pleased they did.

One other suggestion- look at the Goji and Schizandra tincture. It's half the cost and those two fruits are superfoods! This is my husband's formula of choice. You might want to read about the amazing qualities of this formula.

Wishing you the best, Lisa


Replied by Rob (Manhattan, NY) on 10/07/2012

re: 8 Immortals, Lisa, thanks for these suggestions... I have tried some of these herbs individually. Schizandra, ginseng but never this formula... Which sounds synergistic. The vitamin C I am also very curious to try... Will do. And report back. thanks again.

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/07/2012

Hi Rob, Yes, I too have tried many of these herbs alone and never felt the significant difference I do with 8 Immortals. Of course, when you study Chinese herbalism, you learn about formulating the herbs to make them more effective. Of course, I started to do this on my own but it felt overwhelming! Thus, I am more than happy this has been done for me! I also want to give you a link to an interesting page on what herbs/ formulas can be used for various issues.

8 Immortals shows up to help with 18 issues! No wonder I feel such a difference! Looking forward to hearing your feedback, Lisa


Replied by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 10/08/2012

Lisa.... Just a quick update: The senior consultant at Dragon Herbs suggested that I get on the Duanwood Reishi and 8 Immortals. I can only take the Pearl Shen at night, since next to the last ingredient on label is "bupleurum" and, for some reason, plays havoc with my stomach. The two tinctures will be here at the end of the week. I'm trying to get my Chinese herbs to a consistent set order every month. The one thing I think we all tend to do as human beings, is expect something to work overnight. It can take at least 3 months before sometimes you see any results. As a wise person once said.... "It took you this long to get your body in this condition, it will equally take that long, if not longer, for it to heal itself. We just have to help it by eating right, exercising and meditate/prayer" Words to live by.... ") Good health to you all!!

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/08/2012

Hi Sue, So glad to hear you're going to use those two remedies! I was using duanwood reishi as well but stopped since I feel the 8 Immortals is so powerful and such a complete remedy. Did you see the link I'd posted for Rob from Manhattan yesterday? It's in this thread. Check it out because it shows 8 Immortals being effective for 18 different issues! Also, if you look at your 8 Immortals, you'll see duanwood reishi as one of the herbs included which is why I discontinued that. I think we talked about trying to streamline what we're taking... I use shilajit from this company and also take my lypospheric vitamin c. With meals I use betaine. That's it now!

And yes, being human we do that for sure- want instant results! I think also because people use medication and they do work overnight they compare herbs to that but, drugs are also harmful in the long run, witness the disclaimers attached in the ads! Healing remedies work slower but they do exactly that- heal. And it does take time. I think that's why so many people opt for the meds, not fully seeing the whole picture.

I think though, you are going to see results sooner than you think. I know I did. My husband had almost immediate results from Goji and Schizandra! He has always been bothered with dry, irritable eyes with floaters and as soon as he started this remedy it turned all that around! Now he won't be without it plus, when he started to read about those two herbs, he couldn't believe all the benefits. Still, I see how the remedies build over an extended period of time. And as Ron Teeguarden says, Chinese herbalism only works if you take them! I think a lot of people take them and when they don't see immediate results they discontinue. That's a big folly I think of many.

Well, again, congratulations on taking these steps to new health! Lisa


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