Lyme disease and food allergy help requested

Posted By Molly (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/14/2013

My health problem started last year. I found it out I am allergic to wheat and gluten. I had my blood test and endoscopy done for Celiac. My test came negative. I am not Celiac but still I developed lots of food allergies like wheat or any gluten contain food, flaxseed, beat, spinach and now a days whatever I eat I feel my body is allergic to most of the food. I was taking wheatgrass and coconut that helped me littlebeat. I found it out I had lyme five years ago and may be because of that I developed so many food allergies. I did not take any antibiotics for Lyme because when I took for 15 days it made me very sick. Please advise me what should I do for my Lyme and how I can get out of all of my food allergies.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 12/14/2013

Hey Molly,

When I first read your progressing allergies to foods of many kinds, not just grains, I though...sounds like infection and if you are right, that you might have Lyme, then sounds like the basic or underlying issue is bacteria or virus.

There are a lot of good anti-virus and anti-bacteria suggestions; Echinacea is an herb and I take in liquid extract form. Five drops in a glass of water, three times daily for ten days. If improved, continue for another ten and thus ongoing.

My favorite anti-virus and anti-bacterial is colloidal silver. I would drink two tablespoons on empty stomach in the morning and again in the evening. In ten days if I was better, I'd continue.

Your condition is system wide, so when I've faced system wide infections I just know that I'll be taking the anti-viral and anti-bacterial for six months to a year.


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