Lump in throat that comes and goes

Posted By Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 02/18/2013

Lump in throat comes and goes

Dear Ted, Bill, or any other reputable earthclinic genius. For the past 2 years I have suffered with a sensation of something hard caught in my throat, whether I eat(have gone hungry more often than desired) or not. My largest problem has been too many theories as the culprit. Before this began, I had once swallowed half a multivitamin and it caught in my throat, definitely causing some damage. But I'd also chewed ibuprofen pills (I know you shouldn't, dumb moment), I'm also a singer and one time, I went from a very high note immediately to a low note and felt something happen in my larynx, a gummy glob sensation. As you see, so many possibilities has made this a nightmare to cure. I also remember the front of my throat hurting one night, dull ache, so I put my chin to my chest and lifted my head backward and up simultaneously and felt a pop. The pain went away, but now I'm worried I dislocated a bone?

I've treated it as everything from reflux (I have hiatal hernia, don't know it's condition since last visit was 2011) with alkalizing remedies, to candida (have white tongue) but I've had to blend all my food for 2 years, going from 166 lbs to 122 in weight. I truly hope someone out there can piece this together, all I can do is believe. If it's not too much to ask.

Thank you, I've finally signed up after many months of following earthclinic advice!


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/19/2013

Dalton: Seems like you may need to go to a Chiropractor, after having successfully giving your neck a self-adjustment. A Cal/Mag/Zinc supplement plus Vit-D and Vit-K will also help the bones.

There is a possibility your Thyroid is bad. Whenever my Thyroid goes hypo I have a very difficult time swallowing; I get that lump feeling there.

Magnet Therapy will likely help, especially if there's an inflammation issue.


Replied by Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 02/25/2013

Thank you Timh, I have taken many supplements over the years trying to link a deficiency to this. But before this, I've eaten everything you can think of and felt perfectly fine. I've cut out trans fats, many sweeteners, breads, you name it and it hasn't done anything to help. Although it's a good idea for overall health I'd presume.

I take a high quality multi with cod liver oil and vitamin e, plus some mag citrate. Used to take vitamin D but didn't change anything.

Recently I've taken 2-3 cups of throat coat tea daily, chewing DGL and drinking slippery elm powder but it only makes a minor difference, if that.

If this is infact a thyroid issue I've developed, how would you suggest I go about it? Perhaps some extra info would help support this. Around the end of 2010 I began intermittent fasting and weightlifting. It's certainly done the job of weight loss but I've only been able to put on little muscle since lack of calories from swallowing difficulty.

Some days I'd go on complete water fasts, even though my stomach was growling. Also drinking many cups of coffee and green tea on empty stomach. Plus a gallon of water at least. Would I have depleted myself of critical minerals from this?

Thank you for your hasty response. I'm taking pure sea salt now if that matters.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/25/2013

Hi Dalton... Your throat problem may well be caused by swelling and nodule formation in the thyroid. This can be caused for many reasons -- excess fluoride or bromide in the diet or not enough antioxidants in the diet.

You should try taking 8 drops of lugols iodine a day -- two drops in water 4 times a day. As well you should supplement Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, acetyl cysteine and milk thistle every day. I use this in my Liver Support Protocol for candida. But it doesn't just support the liver. This protocol generates higher amounts of glutathione and glutathione peroxidase(GP) -- the latter is an essential enzyme used in the thyroid to quench excess free radicals during production of T3 and T4 in the thyroid. If there is too little GP then the free radicals abound which helps to destroy the thyroid cell and causes an autoimmune reaction in the thyroid cell. The result is thyroid nodules and thyroid damage. To overcome this problem you must supplement lugol's iodine and supplement the anti-oxidants specified above.

I also think it would be worthwhile having your thyroid checked. Perhaps also an ultrasound to check or confirm nodule formation. Also insist upon having the Free T3 and Free T4 thyroid hormones checked -- checking just the TSH level is known to be highly inaccurate. And if there is a bone dislodged in your throat -- this will also show up on the ultrasound.

Have a hair analysis(quite cheap) to determine exactly what heavy metals and halides are in excess in your body.

If you have candida, then you can get rid of this problem by following this protocol(which also shows dosages for the Liver/Thyroid protocol) -- the full anti-candida protocol is shown lower down on this page:


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 02/26/2013

Dalton: You would first need to check your Thyroid by taking your temperature first thing upon waking. A low Thyroid would make for a low temp reading. Do you have other common Hypothyroid symptoms like cold hands and feet, brittle hair and nails, depression, etc. ???

The Sea Salt and Multi and Mag would seem to keep your mineral levels up, with the exception of Iodine (the #1 mineral for the Thyroid). Grocers now have Iodized Sea Salt. Have you been using non-Iodized SS??? Try a minimal dose of Potassium Iodide (try "Lugols" liquid easy to swallow), and also take a beginning dose of 500mg Tyrosine daily. Zinc Lozenges would seem to have big potential correcting whatever is going on here.


Replied by Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 03/06/2013

Thank you both, Bill and Timh. I have had a barium swallow test late 2010 and they said everything looked fine, as always. But perhaps a locally targeted ultrasound of the throat would be much better, I will certainly follow your advice.

Once we've seen what is actually wrong inside, I'll know the exact protocol to follow. Would you say any abnormal growths would be visible, even if it's vocal chord cysts?

The choking sensation comes and goes, whether I eat or not. So this journey of curing it has been a process of elimination. Not any different than the doctors approach.

Again, thank you both for your advice. Lugol's Iodine is the only one I haven't tried. Alkalizing with baking soda-lemon seems to have brought on burning eyes when they tear up, so if it's reflux, maybe I need ACV instead? Truth is, I don't feel any better with either one. I eat so clean, it's hard to believe I have this many health complications.


Replied by Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 03/06/2013

Oh, I also use non-iodide Redmond Real Salt.

I do have kosher iodized salt, but not sea salt.

I've cut out olive oil a bit, now I take organic EVCO instead. To keep on weight (got up to 150lbs but fell back to 128) I used whole grain bread as my carb source. That was long after my choking problem appeared. Now I eat very little bread, mainly potatoes and rice, all blended. Coffee is also consumed maybe 2-3 times a week now.


Replied by Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 03/11/2013

Alright, I am back to report my findings.

I am now taking Lugol's Iodine tincture as instructed by Bill, 2 drops in 8 oz water, 4 times a day. Is that everyday?

I'm also taking Selenium (selenomethionine) 70mcg and ALA 10mg, let me know if I need more. I own L-Cystine, is that similar to acetylcysteine? I do not have milk thistle yet. Add Zinc Citrate 10mg daily to that.

It must be LPR damage somehow since I do have hiatal hernia, I assume it's not been corrected by itself. White tongue that seems resistant to everything would make sense. Perhaps my entire upper GI tract is damaged? My ears even pop in and out sometimes.


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/13/2013

Dalton: thanx for updating as remedies that actually work need documenting for others. The L-Cysteine is ok and take prior to the Selenium, then the ALA. You can take way more ALA if you wish. Zinc up to 50mg daily until you're better, and do take Vit-A w/ Zinc (which together strengthen all epithelial tissues which includes glands). Vit-E works great with the Selenium.

Take 500 mg Tyrosine 1 or 2x daily for the Thyroid (works with Iodine).


Replied by Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 03/19/2013

Thank you Timh once again.

I have been receiving the same feedback from my doctor, advising I look into this mentally. Now I have been disagreeing for a long time, after all who knows me better than myself?

But it's quite possible I have built an anxiety issue years ago when I wanted to quickly make drastic lifestyle changes. Good intentions aren't always what matter most. Just now, I've had my throat getting worse the past few days to the point it feels bruised, and swallowing is scarier than normal. But I thought of relaxing, calming down and giving it a real try. Low and behold, it's noticeably easier to swallow with minimal 'lump' feeling and barely any pain.

Sorry, but at the same time, a large thank you is in order for following me through this, treating possibilities until we get it right.

Because this is highly probable, what would treat anxiety/muscle tension/spasms and calm me down internally again? Magnesium chloride I haven't tried yet but hear good things.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 03/21/2013

Dalton: OK, let's continue with the digestive system and then move on to the nervous system.

Although entirely different scenarios, I too experience the esophagitis / throat issue periodically, but mine seems mostly free radical stress; and a long time back I had what I now know was esophageal varices that resulted from primary bilary cirrhosis. Lately, I found the hypothyroid directly stemmed from liver problems. Your doing good with the antioxidants, but looks like you may need to support the liver w/ Milk Thistle Seed, Artichoke Leaves, and Turmeric Root. Have you ever done the gallbladder flush?? Also, for digestive support, Ginger Root and Fennel Seed will help; these two herbs will work similar to the drug Metoclopramide. Has your doctor ever prescribed this?? It does help but long term use is not good.

As for relaxing, as a whole body approach to wellness in general, try some hot baths w/ Baking Soda and Epsom Salt at least once or twice a week. As a Yin to the Yang of the hot baths, try Cold Showers once or twice a week. As for supporting the nervous system and relaxing, take 1-2 gms GABA before retiring. GABA also stimulates the production of Human Growth Hormone so you should start feeling some extra stamina real soon. Calms Forte' from Hylands is very good nerve tonic/relaxer.

If you could go to a chiropractor that might help, the spine gets out of line and lots of bad things can happen.


Replied by Dalton (Livingston, Montana, America) on 04/08/2013

Hey earthclinic, I'm back to update you on my findings.

Last week I had a blood test (calcium, glutathione peroxidase, free T4 and a few other minerals I can't recall) and an ultrasound of the thyroid/entire throat area. My blood test came back normal which I'm more than used to. Except my TSH is subtly low, causing hypothyroid to a degree but, I did start taking Lugols not long ago, maybe this could have influenced that.

There are no abnormalities of the thyroid as well, leading me to what I'd felt it has been all along.

The hyoid bone and its surrounding ligaments are all that is left. I mentioned to the doctor I can pop something in my throat when I feel around, more on the right than the left. Sometimes I'll be doing nothing and my throat will "pop" out or into place. I've read this is very rare in the medical community, but it is the most obvious symptom. When I put my chin to my chest it is most prominent, as if a bone's pushing into my esophagus, often feels like I'm "swallowing my own throat" if that makes sense.

I feel I've developed TMJ from the muscular tention, or whatever the cause, due to my left upper row of teeth having become centimeters higher than my right (never had it before) I clench my teeth hard when I swallow, never had that either.

Please, lend your input because I have finally been proven it is a mechanical problem that needs fixing. Thank you all.

Replied by Christine (Houston) on 09/17/2016

Is acetyl-cystine the same as NAC?

EC: Yes.


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