Low white blood cell count treatments needed

Posted By Abby (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) on 06/05/2009

Low White Blood Cells: I have systemic lupus in remission (no drugs) for last 17 years, except that I have a very low white blood cell count. I have read Ted's remedy using Borax but because I do not have any other symptoms besides the low WBC I'm not sure I need to do this remedy. I already eat right, take vitamins, exercise, and just started oil pulling which has helped with sinus and healthier teeth. Does anyone have any advice on what will help low WBC? I see a rheumatologist in two weeks and really do not want to be put on drugs again. Any advice will be much appreciated. I tried to email Ted but my email did not go through. Is he still available to write to?
EC: Yes, Ted is still available. Perhaps his emailbox was full? We've forwarded him your post...

Replied by Ann (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/07/2009

In response to Abby's question about low WBC....If you're not taking vitamin C, You may want to try taking it or increase the vitamin C dose to 1000mg/day for couple of days. Hope this works for you. Good luck.

Replied by Abby (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA) on 06/07/2009

Thanks for your response. I have been taking Vit. C for many years -- in fact I was taking 6000 mg a day (per Dr. Whitaker's book) for several years. Now I'm taking 3000 mg a day and have switched to buffered Vit. C as it is supposed to be better absorbed. Vitamins and minerals have definitely helped my lupus symptoms but obviously not the WBC :(.

Replied by Darlene (Bridge City, Tx) on 07/10/2009

Hi there, i just found out my white blood cell count is dropping. What can i take to boost my white blood cells? I haven't had any cancer treatments that could cause this. Going to the blood specialist on Monday. Can anyone help me? Does cold showers really help? Darlene

Replied by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 07/17/2009

castor oil packs to the abdomen are supposed to help build white blood cells.

get a piece of cotton flannel and some cold pressed castor oil (regular castor oil from the drugstore will work in an emergency) and soak the flannel cloth in castor oil.

put it on your entire abdomen (it is good to have several layers to hold the oil) and then put a plastic bag or some plastic over it and then use a heating pad or hot water bottle on top of the heating pad.

do this as often as you can - and you should get results.

if you need more info - just google castor oil packs. there is LOADS of info about this on the internet. this site even has info on it.
good luck

EC: https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/castor_oil.html


Replied by George (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 01/25/2011

Vitamin B3 helps with neutrophils.... Try it... 500mg a day..

Replied by George (Melbourne, Victoria) on 03/22/2011

Can coconut oil help increase white blood cell count?

Replied by Penny (New York, Usa) on 05/31/2011

I have been diagnosed with mild neutropenia, what can I do to increase this.... Overall my white cell count is within normal range but I am still concerned... Can anyone help me please....

Replied by Nathan (Paris, France) on 06/15/2011

How effective is shark liver oil for increasing white blood cells?

Replied by Palvan (Venice, Fl) on 10/19/2012

My husband had a WBC of 2.7 mcL and I was told 4.5 to 10.0 mcL is normal. Doing research on line I could not attribute his count to any of the disease states mentioned so I decided to see what natural supplements would improve his count. I saw a brochure on Aloe Vera when I went to purchase aloe vera in our local Natural Foods store. It said that they had a clinical study indicating an 11% to 16% improvement in WBC with their product. I called the company and found out that they used 6 oz per day in the study. I ordered the product from the Swanson's website where it was the cheapest, about $6 per 32 oz bottle. Almost 30 days to the day that we started the Aloe Vera Juice, my husbands WBC was taken and went from 2.7 to 3.4. He is on other quite ordinary supplements, Vit C, E, D and beta carotene and others for his heart. We are juicing with some organic vegetables which we just started 10 days ago, so there may be some synergism - but none of these supplements seem to work by themselves since he has been on supplements for some time. Hope others are helped by this.
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