Loss of voice and burned vocal cords

Posted By Laura (Westlake Village, Ca) on 10/01/2009

burned vocal chords

have suffered loss of voice for 7 months. 2 ENT's said it was acid reflux. tried acv with baking soda, but that burned it worse. i can whisper for a while, but later lose even that ability. afraid to use acid suppressants, because makes digestion worse. drinking even diluted acv makes the burn worse. tried aloe vera for a while, but didn't help. which direction should i go.... if i try to suppress acid until throat heals, won't it just be re-injured when i resume healthy diet for good digestion?


Replied by Bunny (Santa Ana, Ca) on 10/11/2009

This doesn't seem like the usual cause of acid reflux-lack of acid. It sounds more like the little flap at the end of your esophagus isn't closing properly. Try B vitamins, a good quality green powder, smaller meals sitting up-don't recline while eating or directly after. Skip the ACV, and keep sipping small amounts (half a tablespoon at a time) of preserative free organic aloe vera several times a day between meals to help heal the tissues in your throat. Refrigerate the aloe-it spoils fast without preservatives. And don't take this as the final word. Do your own search, there may be other things to try. Also, try to think if there was any precipitating event, an illness, a move or change of workplace, any change that might give you a clue as to what set this off.

Replied by Bersf (New Me) on 05/02/2018

I am currently experiencing a similar/ maybe the same problem as you. I think you should go ASAP to see an ENT, or at the very least your Primary Medical Provider.

I found I have granulomas on my vocal folds caused by the breathing tube during surgery, but exacerbated by "silent" acid reflux, which is similar but not the same as the one in which one feels heartburn--GERD. My ENT pub me on a non-acidic/alkaline diet plus medication, but info on the specifics of what TO and NOT to eat are very conflicting.

I've been studying this a LOT because I can't stand not being able to sound normal, and I love to sing, which I cannot now do. Right now I'm actually waiting for a call back from my ENT because I want to go see a voice therapist and/or nutritionist to sort this all out, but the ones I found on my own are too expensive to see, so I'm hoping to find an affordable option, or else I'll just keep on reading reading reading and DYING from not being able to have coffee, chocolate, wine, citrus, chile, and a whole lot more--basically my entire diet prior to this, as a spice lover. Waaaahh!

Oh yeah--the other motivation for my trying to do this dietarily is if I don't, in about another month and a half, I'll have to have surgery to remove the granulomas--followed by who knows how many more months of good food depravation. again--Waaaaaaahhhh!!!

Good luck. Hope your condition is not as bad as mine.

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Replied by Sally Oh (Kentucky) on 12/05/2021

I have granulomas on my vocal cords. I was a singer and have not been able to sing for 12 years. I just found out about IV glutathione and am going to do that. Search “vocal swelling glutathione”, sounds like just the thing!

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