Knee and hip osteoarthritis and remedies

Posted By Mike (San Antonio, Tex) on 04/02/2012

Alfred, I am trying to contact both you and Ted. I have pretty bad osteo of the hip and knee. I have tried, among others, ACV with baking soda, panothenic acid (3 xpd), several chicken cartilage supplements, at the same time, collidal silver and HA without success. I had prolotherapy, PRP and stem cells from my body, 2 fat and 1 bone marrow. No success. Works for some but not all. I would like to try larger doses of Hyaluronic 300 to 500 mg but can't find a source thats' reliable. Do you know of one? Maybe I should try doing 3 shooters or jiggers at one time.

Anyhow, I'm kind of at your mercy on this. Maybe I should start mega doses of MSM, although I have tried it, but not at the dosage you mentioned, without success. Help! I am seriously thinking about a total hip replacement, as repugnant as that sounds to me. I'm even considering a chiropractor that does electricity to the joints. Can you help out with advice? I have several other posts, all discuss the problem in different detail. Mike


Replied by Art (Tustin, California USA) on 04/03/2012

In Reply to Mike: Ted Recomends MSM, but it did not help me, even at a high dose of 15 grams per day but others have gotten benefit at much lower doses, so it might be a case of it works for some, but not all. Samething with the ACV and baking soda, that combination had no affect on my arthritis, but others have found it helpful. I never tried prolotherapy, coloidal silver or the chicken cartilage remedies so I can't comment on them, but I think it is probably the samething where it may work for some, but not everyone.

The supplements that I mentioned in my previous reply to you have been very effective and I recently have been able to discontinue the 300mgs of hyaluronic acid per day... at least for now.

I used ___ brand double strength caps at 100 mgs per capsule spread throughout the day on an empty stomach if possible, but as I mentioned, I am not currently taking it to see if I still need it.

Ted's topical remedy of 50% castor oil and 50% dmso gives very good relief relatively quickly and I suspect it would be helpful for more people than some of the other remedies, but I did experiment on a small one square inch area of my inner forearm first to see if I might be hypersensitive or allergic to it the first time I tried it. I started applying it to my affected joints the next day. I think the borax is also very helpful, but takes time to realize the benefit compared to Ted's topical remedy which shows positive effects much sooner.... possibly within a day to 2 weeks.

I guess that the borax and topical remedy go after potential pathogens which may be affecting the joints while the glucosamine multi supplement I take and the hyaluronic acid, that I used to take, help repair joint damage or make the joints more comfortable and less inflamed.

When I was taking the glucosamine multi alone, it seemd to keep things in check for years, but ultimately I think joint damge was occuring at a faster pace than the glucosamine multi could keep up with and that's when I started adding the other things.

Right now I am doing very well and am active again.

My neighbor who is 73 is using about the same supplements I am taking except she is still taking the hyaluronic acid and ____ (curcumin/lecithin blend) and is doing very well with it all. Last November she was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease and arthritis in her spine and in just a matter of about a month and a half went from very active with no apparent arthritic symptoms to not being able to do her daily exercises, clean her house, do her yard work or take her walks. She is now able to do all of those things again. She also is able to edge and mow her front and back yard again as well as pull all of the weeds so she too also feels the combination is very effective. Her doctors weren't able to do much for her arthritis other than prescribe nsaids which were only partially effective and of course can come with serious side effects when taken long term at pharmacological doses that are often required to help alleviate pain. They also had told her that she would have to make some lifestyle changes and might not be able to do all the things that she was used to doing. She's doing all those things and more now!

Good luck! Art


Replied by Liz (Boston, Massachusetts) on 04/04/2012

Hi Mike - After reading all of the methods you've tried without success, I was reluctant to suggest what I'm about to, since it is almost absurdly (by comparison) simple. But, since I suffer from the same type pain as you - hips and knees, and have experienced significant improvement, I wanted to pass it along.

Like you, I've had some success with HLA (400mgs/day) but that success was increased when I used the following combination:

-Two 100mg capsules of HLA in the morning. (I use HydraPlenish, purchased at The Vitamin Shoppe store, but you could also buy it online if there isn't a Vitamin Shoppe near you.)

-One cup of sugar-free Concord grape juice with liquid pectin.

-Another two 100mg caps of HLA before bed.

-Massage knees w/ castor oil before bed.

All of the above has helped my hip/knee pain tremendously.

The grape juice/pectin 'recipe' is as follows:

-64 oz. of real Concord grape juice

-One pouch of liquid Certo Premium Fruit Pectin

I pre-mix and the container holds enough to last all week.

Hope it works as well for you as it did for me - fingers crossed! :)


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