14 Years of Itchy Ear Discharge That Never Goes Away - Please Help!

Posted By Rose (Chicago) on 01/28/2021

Have had itchy ears with discharge for 14 years and have tried everything to get rid of it. Too many to list here. It started after letting someone use my stethoscope and have never been able to get rid of it. Am a nurse. Any thoughts about ozone being a possible remedy. I'm presuming its a fungal problem. Have had several diagnosis from eczema to sebopsoraisis.

When I can't stand it I'll use the steroid cream but it doesn't get rid of it. Am trying colloidal silver currently and eczema honey cream. Also limiting my sugar and fruit intake.

Thank you for your thoughts and suggestions.

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Replied by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 01/28/2021

Dear Rose,

I see that you posted a question about it 4 years ago. So sorry you haven't found a cure for it yet. Hope you find a permanent solution very soon.

I presume you've tried 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ears? You said you've tried many remedies at this point and that is one of the top remedies on Earth Clinic for itchy ears.

Can you please post all that you've tried to date? That may be helpful for people.

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Replied by Marlene (Pa) on 02/09/2021

Have your tried cutting out dairy from your diet? If I eat dairy my ears will get moist and have a bad smell. I use peroxide and it clears them up until I eat dairy again.

Replied by Lindsey (Tennessee) on 02/09/2021

I had same thing twice, lasted for many months, Hydrogen peroxide (via Q-tip) a few times, also did Witch Hazel (Q-tip) then it went away. Honestly for me, think I got it from touching my feet before bed / fungal toe, then scratching ear with my finger, but maybe not, sorry for gross details (eeeewwww)!

Replied by Patricia (Belgium) on 02/10/2021

I have suffered similar that I assumed came from using earbuds (earphones) too often. My ears were itchy and flaky. I tried everything and happened upon an article somewhere about flaky itchy skin in the ears for a long time...months or what have you, is a sign of chronic swimmers ear.

I tried thyme-infused water on a cotton swab to each ear twice a day and I now wash my ears well with lavender castille soap. I don' t buy it I just make it at home because most soaps have questionable additives.

Also, I just boil a teaspoon of thyme in water and filter the water and let it cool to room temperature to make the thyme water. I used it a couple of times a day till I no longer suffered the problem. Now I only use it a couple of times a week or once a week as maintenance. Hope that is helpful for you.

Replied by Susan (Havant ) on 02/10/2021

I have this for 6 years and use 50% apple cider vinegar mix with 50% distilled water use a Q-tip to wipe just inside around the ear use the Q-tip once each ear and throw away. I allso spray in ear once week.

My ears improved in 2 weeks and took away the pain. I have improved by about 90% which is fantastic as the apple cider vinegar with the mother, and distilled water is a natural disinfectant for the skin mix together in a spray bottle as it is in tune with the ph balance of our skin, I spray this all over my body after a quick shower. dry of and spray over skin don't let tap water get onto the ears. I got this information from YouTube from a site called. "mongellons with Zach" I stopped using all creams as they make it worse.

Replied by Leo (New Hampshire) on 02/09/2021

Try turmeric and black pepper.

Mix 1 heaping teaspoon of turmeric and 1 heaping teaspoon of black pepper in a glass of whole milk. Stir it in the milk and drink it fast because the pepper will sink to the bottom. Do this twice a day for a few days.. This mix makes boils pop within hours and forces out any infection in your body even some you didn't know you had. This has worked wonders for me for years and should for you. :-)

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Replied by Shelley (Indiana) on 02/09/2021

One time, my sister had a nasty rash on her forearm. I used black walnut husk (from the tree) and it went away in a couple of days. I use hydrogen peroxide to clean my ears of wax. You can actually hear the popping it makes dissolving wax. But if you have tried that, I would put black walnut tincture on a q-tip and let it sit in the ear after swapping for a few minutes to fully absorb.
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Replied by Gina (Florida) on 02/09/2021

Hi Rose,

I have been dealing with this for 2 years. Started after an antibiotic. Seems its in my sinus and throat too? And teeth all left side. I went tov Mayo clinic zero help. I wonder if its Lyme for myself. It is maddening. Iv too have tried it all. Have you tried Intervectin cream? Its the horse paste. I put it on the outside of ear and behind it. Someone told me to do this for 6 weeks. I just started.

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Replied by Luma Rose (Hawaii) on 02/09/2021

Believe it or not, I found out ear infections can be caused by acid reflux. and one does not necessarily know when they have it. The only way I knew I had it was because my mucus was very thick, but that thickening clogged my ears causing infections, and itch. I had to eat tiny meals on the hour instead of three times a day. also when I went vegan ( I used to love dairy, also blue green algae caused the thickening too) that cut my infections down to almost nothing.

my success:

1. eating smaller meals,

2. going vegan.

3. eating smaller amounts of sprulina.

This CURED my life time of drippy itchy ears!

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Replied by Jo-ann (Phoenix) on 02/09/2021

I have suffered from this issue for years, also. I do think it is fungus related, as I experienced an infection of black fungus in my ears after using a public pool. I find that it feels great to swipe ears with apple cider vinegar. Stops the itch. At first I used vinegar in a dropper, and also a drop of 'sweet oil' when it was at its worst. I avoided use of any dairy products for years, that also helped. I am much better now, only an occasional itchy ear at night.
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Replied by Lisa (Oregon) on 02/09/2021

I used the generic miconazole for Monistat... a dab on a q-tip after showering when the wet canal would spread it to places I didn't want to push the q-tip. Takes repeated treatment even after no symptoms. Hope this helps.
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Replied by Brandy (California ) on 02/09/2021

You might live in a house with mold. Get an ERMI test done on your house and see. I had this problem and tried many different remedies. Nothing helped until we addressed the mold in our home.
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Replied by rose (chicago) on 09/17/2021

Missing piece of the puzzle! Air quality was tested in our home by immunolytics - very reasonable cost and they found high content candida. Most likely from carpets with dogs. So am working on clearing house and then to address systemic and local. So many other great suggestions… Thanks for your suggestion!

And all the others!

Replied by Jeannie (California) on 02/09/2021

I hope you've tried going to a nutritionist. Also acupuncture and herbs can be the answer. If you cant find an answer from western medicine, seriously think about an alternative. Good luck!
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Replied by Kay (Australia) on 02/09/2021

I have had this same thing, I got rid of it by dampening a cotton bud with water and adding one drop of tea tree oil per ear -- fantastic relief and I have not had it for 5 years.

Cheers, Kay

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Replied by Roz (North Carolina) on 02/09/2021

Rose, Purification essential oil from Young Living oils may help. I put 1 drop on a q-tip and run it around the inside of my ear. It clears up itching and rash like condition. I trust that this may help you or someone else.
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Replied by Brenda (Pennsylvania) on 02/10/2021

I have eczema in my ears. Q-tip makes it worse.

What I found helpful with the itchiness is castor oil, put a drop of it on your pinkie (finger) and put your finger inside of your ears. Use ear plugs when you go swimming or bathing that is after the infection goes away. Have you tried Colloidal Silver? Maybe Tea tree oil with castor oil for both infection and eczema? Hope they help you.

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Replied by Ellen (Arcadia Ny) on 02/10/2021

I have found that fungal / skin issues are better treated from the inside out. They take a LONG time to control.

Try drinking Apple Cider Vinegar in water EVERY day.

It took 3 months for my toes to improve after buying used shoes.

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Replied by Valerie (Queensland) on 02/10/2021

I suggest ear candling could give your ear canals an opportunity to heal. It is non invasive no discomfort and would draw out what is in the ears so anything else you might use has a fair chance of working. A naturopath should be able to help with this procedure. Best of luck.
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Replied by Dee (Florida) on 02/10/2021

First ,Diet is important. Eliminate or lower Sugar, Yeast & Gluten foods and Alcohol. It can also be a food allergy.

I have eczema in my ears. I use Oregano Oil internally short term.


I tried many natural remedies the one that helps my dry tichy eczema is

fresh Aloe Vera. I have a Aloe Vera Plant they are easy to grown, and regrow

with aloe shoots. I also take Vitamins Multi, extra C & D, Omega 3,

Milk Thistle, Olive Leaf and Probiotics.

You can also try Homeopathic remedies for Dermatitis.


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Replied by Frank McLean (Thunder Bay, ON, CA) on 03/23/2021

Hi Rose,

I'm sorry to hear of the difficulty you're having. My research indicates the you are suffering from mainly a number of vitamin deficiencies.

The main vitamin deficiencies are vitamin A, B vitamins Biotin, PABA, Choline, and Inositol but you should also take vitamins C & D. You also have a deficiency of vitamin F which is linoleic acid.

The main mineral deficiencies are manganese, zinc, copper, iodine and sulphur. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) is a good source of biological sulphur.

A good way to start here is to get a good B100 tablet or capsule and a good multi-mineral tablet. Since I see you're in Chicago, you can get these items from, https://www.swansonvitamins.com/, if you can't obtain them at you local drug store or health food store. Swanson has B100 (SW056) and Albion Mult-Minerals (SWU062)

You can get vitamin F from either of: 4 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, 8 pecan halves or from a tablespoon or two of sunflower oil.

Best source of vitamin A is cod liver oil, at a couple of tablespoons per day. You can also get cod liver oil capsules if you can't handle the taste of cod liver oil. Vitamin A should be 50,000 to 75,000 IU per day. You can also buy vitamin A capsules.

It would also be a good Idea to add liver to you diet. The way I like liver is to dice it up small and pan fry it till nicely browned. Fry up an equal amount of onions and fry them up until slightly browned as well. Make sure to salt and pepper both items. Then combine them together and you can add a little water to make a bit of a gravy. When they're done and eat them with ketchup that improves the flavour.

You could also buy the individual vitamins mentioned above as well as the minerals, but it is dangerous to take individual B vitamins alone as in working, they use up other B vitamins and can create other B vitamin deficiencies.

Your symptoms will persist forever until these vitamin and mineral deficiencies are met. There is no other answer or substitute. These deficiencies must be met. Steroids only reduce the discomfort they won't cure it and drugs only treat the symptoms not the cause.

I hope this is of help to you.


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