Iron Deficiency

Posted By Sharon (Henryetta, Oklahoma) on 05/18/2008

Upon reaching the menopause stage of life, and having my menstruation for over a month now has lowered my iron levels. My Dr. has me on over the counter Iron tabs right now 3 times a day. What else can I do to help out this situation? A friend was eating spinach every day for her low iron. Thanks, Sharon.

Replied by Belinda (Sharon, SC) on 05/20/2009

Sharon from Henryetta: Thyme is a great source of iron. Once when I was anemic I bought the fresh herb prepackaged from the grocery store. I chopped it finely and muched on it just like that throughout the day. I also added in cooking. When I was tested 2 days later my iron levels were normal. Black Strap Molasses will also help - info for Black Strap Molasses is here on Earth Clinic's site.

It is priority to slow or stop your bleeding. If you are experiencing breast tenderness, you could have high levels of prolactin which will cause your period to keep going because prolactin prevents estrogen from increasing enough to signal your body to stop bleeding. Even if prolactin levels are normal it seems you need an estrogen signal. I've found Red Clover will stop my bleeding nearly every time (keep in mind every woman is different). Please research drug interactions and the herb before taking my advise. If you decide to try it; Make a tea from dried Red Clover Flower. 1oz of blossoms to 2 cups of water, pour boiling water over herbs, cover, steep 20 minutes. I usually drink at least two cups a day until bleeding stops which takes a couple days. A great source for Red Clover Flower is online at Mountain Rose Herbs

I found help from a show called "What A Relief"on the Veria channel. (channel 9575 on dishNetwork). It is about herbal remedies. I was able to use herbs to normalize my hormones. The good news is you ARE ABLE to control this problem. The bad news is that every woman is different and there is no one cure all and it's going to take a lot of research on your part. You may have to try several things before finding what's right for you ... I encourage you DON'T GIVE UP. You are already on the right track. If you can, find a good herblalist to help you. If not, find an herbal remedies for women book.

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