I really need help panic attacks and agoraphobia

Posted By Mary (Arcadia) on 04/12/2014

I really need help. I suffer from Panic Attacks and severe Depression and Agoraphobia. This started when I delivered my son 30 years ago. I had the worst nervous breakdown in the world. I saw strange colors in the sky, had panic attack after panic attack with severe depression and then agoraphobia.

Then I suffered a brain aneurysm and made it through that. When I die and go to heaven hopefully I should have a huge castle for all my suffering. Now it started again after having a stomach flu. Now I don't drive!

Is there any help for this? I am tired of living in fear and panic and am now 63. Overweight and tired of it! Can anyone please help me?


Replied by Bee (New York) on 04/13/2014


Please go to utube if possible and listen to some binaural beats (healing waves) for this.. You can also try out other modalities such as EFT tapping.. emotional freedom technique...also check utube.. Meditation, yoga and exercise will also help...

Good luck.


Replied by Mary (Arcadia, California) on 07/17/2016

God bless you for your kind help I will try this website and see if I can get help. Thank you again!!!

Replied by Sam (Miami, FL) on 09/05/2014

Look into blood course syndrome and shen disorders (TCM). I recently found a wonderful TCM site that is so informative. I am attaching a link to chapter6 http://www.itmonline.org/shen/chap6.htm.

Also, jingherbs has free health analysis. They also provide free 15 min consultations with an experienced herbalist.


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