I really need advice for anxiety

Posted By Lost (Henderson, Ky) on 11/14/2011

I really need advice for anxiety. I am suffering from panic attacks, chest pain, dizziness and agoraphobia. I am at the verge of losing my husband because of this. Please suggest what remedies to use. Thank you in advance.

Replied by K.d. (Siena, Tuscany, Italy) on 11/14/2011

Hi, Lost. Try eliminating gluten and processed foods from your diet. I felt alot like you did and thought I was losing my mind until I stopped eating gluten (turns out I am a Celiac). Add lots of raw fruits and veggies to your meals and organic, lean meats if you are not a vegetarian. Avoid everything that contains Aspartame or MSG - these are neurologically toxic and can trigger panic attacks. Taking a good b-complex supplement and a liquid b-12 helps with mood and neurological symptoms like dizziness. Magnesium will help tremendously with chest pain and panic attacks and will give you an overall sense of contentment and ease. Hawthorn tea is also wonderful for soothing frazzled nerves and easing chest pains.

Explain to your husband that you are not feeling yourself and you think it might have to do with your eating and lifestyle and that you are going to give a major diet change a sincere try. Ask him to understand that you also don't like the way you are feeling/behaving these days and that you hope he can see through the symptoms to who you really are. My hub's stuck with me and enthusiastically helped me through my healing once he knew that I wasn't 'acting' and that I was actually quite ill.

Regarding the agoraphobia - for me, that went away naturally as I became healthier and stronger. I believe now that my body was telling me to "stay close to home" because I was ill and weak and couldn't handle the overstimulation of crowds. Maybe this is the case for you, too?

Hang in there and best of luck!


Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 11/14/2011

Lost, your chest pain and panic attacks sound like a magnesium deficiency. If you can get some magnesium chloride online and put about 2-4 pounds in bath water and stay in for 30 minutes. This gets the magnesium into the body quicker than taking it by mouth. Also epson salts (magnesium sulphate) is good to put in the bath.. I just read the book "Magnesium Miracle" by Carolyn Dean which is excellent for further info. Also website magnesiumforlife. com has info about transdermal magnesium (taking it through the skin).

Replied by Carly (Seattle, Wa - Usa) on 11/15/2011

Hi Lost.

My heart goes out to you. I had ALL of your symptoms about two decades ago. Going into a store made me feel like I couldn't breath, and that my heart was going to explode. EVERY TIME.

In the beginning I always turned and fled if I was by myself. I remember driving down the road and feeling like I would DIE. Total panic. I found I was better when I went out with a "safe" person. (Usually my husband, or a close friend I trusted a lot).

The thing was - I felt like such a loser I never told anyone for the longest time.... this was when panic attacks and agorophobia were just starting to become mainstream topics.

I just didn't want anyone to think I was a freak or something - as at the time most people didn't understand it. Come to think of it - most people still don't understand it unless they have it, have had it, or are close to someone who has it (my opinion).

Okay, so that was that.

My suggestions are these: Do not give in to the agorophobia. It is NOT a signal from your body telling you that you need to stay close to home because you are not well - as someone mentioned in a prior post.

I truly believe agorophobia and panic attacks to be some kind of an imbalance in your body that needs to be addressed. I found that Magnesium (as mentioned by Debbie earlier) was almost magical for me. I also take trace minerals. Google Magnesium and see...

Another thing: When you are in a panic situation - repeat this in your mind:

"I have felt this way before and I am still alive. I will not die".

Take three slow, deep controlled breaths to the count of three. Three in, three holding in lungs, and three out while repeating the above.

Every time the panic happens, whatever the situation is.... Try to hang in there and not flee just a bit longer than you did the last time it happened. Eventually you WILL reset your thought process. It is not easy, but it is worth it.

I know the feeling - it feels like everyone knows you are about to pass out on the floor from panic. Trust me, they don't. Repeat the mantra above. It will get better, I promise.

I still have moments once in a great while.... But not at ALL like they used to be. It gets better, you will see.

Hang in there.... And remember, you are NOT alone. If needed, try to find a support group. You would be amazed at how many people are just like you.

Best, ~ Carly :-)

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Replied by Lost (Henderson, Kentucky) on 11/16/2011


You have described me perfectedly! I am so happy to hear that I am not alone. My husband is also my"safe person" but he is fed up with me having to rely on him to go anywhere. I am looking into the magnesium now. Thank you so much!


Replied by Carly (Seattle, Wa- Usa) on 11/17/2011

Hi Lost,

Glad I could maybe help a bit. Please know that you are not alone, not at all!

You will feel better. Just keep the faith.

The nice thing about taking magnesium is that it doesn't take very long for it to help if it is what your body is or was missing. You should start to feel better within a week to ten days of taking it at the highest level you can tolerate (before it makes you run to the bathroom!). I would start at at 400-600 mg a day.

If you take calcium, make SURE you are taking an equal or even higher amount of the magnesium. The old thought used to be to take half as much Magnesium as Calcium. This has changed in the new research - the medical literature now says to take equal amounts of each. D-3 is also important. I take 5,000 iu once a day now, and I was taking 2 a day for a month to try and get my levels up (Seattle is not a sunny place, and D levels here are notoriously low here).

Thankfully these are all pretty inexpensive supplements. I buy mine online for less than I can get them for in the health store.

Please write back after you have been taking whatever it is that you do decide to take - and let us know how you are doing - I love a good success story. :-)

Best wishes to YOU, and hugs too!



Replied by Lily (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 11/17/2011

Hi Carly and Lost, I too had/have this awful disorder, I also found that magnesium is the best thing I have ever taken for this problem. After discovering magnesium I was able to go off all the prescription medication I was taking. I still have residual problems but am functioning very well now.

I was given many different relaxation tapes and c.d.'s but could never relax enough to plug in the player, it was quite ridiculous really. Lost, you will see an improvement I hope with the magnesium and I wish you all the very best. Cheers Lily.


Replied by Lost (Henderson, Ky) on 11/17/2011

Thank you all for your advice. I have ordered a powder magnesium online to start taking. In the meantime, I went to store and purchased Epsom Salts to soak in. Hopefully that will somewhat help? I will keep you updated, Thank you EC for having this site and to all the wonderful people who have replied, for the first time, I feel like there is hope for me to be "normal" again!

Replied by Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 11/18/2011

Try GABA and/or 5-htp.

GABA Really helps with anxiety. 500-1000 mg on an empty stomach.

5-htp raises serotonin.

St John's Wort may work.

L-Theanine works for some ( gives me headaches). Taken at night, I think Valerian root in a small dosage might work, maybe 20-50 mg. It helps with sleep, so be careful taking this early in the day. This stuff knocks me out.

They also sell Anxiety Formula supplements. You can find them online or at a health food store.


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Usa) on 11/19/2011

I have had very good results with Hyland's homepathic CalmsForte.

Replied by Gail (Branson, Missouri, Usa) on 11/19/2011

My husband suffered most of his life from anxiety, and after a lot of doctors and no remedy he went to a homeopath and he needed carsinson, or carsinoson sp? and she told him he was low on magnesium... now that was 10 years ago and he was better right away and it hasn't come back now that he is back in balance.

I would STRONGLY suggest a homeopath for this ... And up your magnesium by the way of Epsom Salt baths as they absorb through your skin well, where as a pill will not benefit you as much... Take a hot bath with 1 to 2 cups of the salts... Also I have been reading on the tissue salts or cell salts that are homeopathic and I would consider something like that also... I think there is some mention of them on this site

Some people are bothered by food they eat as well, so you may consider doing some reading on anxiety and diet and holistic healing and nutritional healing and see if any of that feels right for you.

Good luck! It is curable.


Replied by Lost (Henderson, Kentucky) on 12/15/2011

I finally received my magnesium in the mail, I also purchased L-theanine 200mg, but not sure how much I should take of both? The magnesium is a powder type you mix in hot water. I also thought about massage therapy since I read it could help with anxiety. Wish me luck guys :)

Replied by Steve (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 12/15/2011

I would recommend checking out EFT therapy. Also if you google healers there are many good healers who can help you resolve the anxiety relatively fast.

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