I have digestion issues with stomach

Posted By Mahi (New Delhi, India) on 08/29/2012

hello friends. Something is going on with my stomach. After I eat I feel something is moving around my stomach area. If I drink vegetable juice like spinach or beet or even aloe vera juice and also coconut water I feel pressure on my back area. I went to doctor all blood test are ok. Do not have Celiac or anything else but I stopped eating gluten because it causes more problems. I am taking baking soda with ACV but its not helping me that much. Don't know what to do

Replied by Anonymosaurus Rex (Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 08/30/2012

Namaste Mahi, Can you tell us how long you have been taking ACV and baking soda for? What amount? How often? Did you have this problem before you started ACV and baking soda? With a little more information and a bit of luck, someone will be able to figure out what is happening.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 08/30/2012

Hi Mahi... You should consider taking Humic Acid for your digestion problems. Humic acid is the same thing as Shilajit(Ayurvedic medicine) in India and is reasonably cheap.

As Ted advises, you can also add drops of Hydrogen Peroxide and ordinary vinegar to this HA and water mixture for best anti-pathogen effect. Read the comments here by Ted on Humic/Fulvic acid:


Modern research has very little understanding of why Humic acid is so good for us. And, although they cannot explain why, Humic Acid has the following benefits to the body:
* Normalizes and heals the intestines gently

* Detoxes the intestines and body. Also removes pesticides, fungicides, drugs and other dangerous foreign chemicals from the body.
* Alkalizes the body
>* Accelerates body metabolism by making it much more efficient.
* Gives you more energy
* Helps to remineralize the body with macro and micro minerals.
* Is a strong anti-viral and anti-pathogen.
* Is fully recognized and compatible with the body.

My own interest in HA is because of its beneficial effects on the intestines and on its healing effects on allergies which mostly stem from damaged intestines anyway.


Replied by Mahi (New Delhi, India) on 09/01/2012

Thanks Bill. I am afraid taking anything now a days for my stomach. I always have constipation problems and I am taking Triphala for long time. My main problem is digestion problems. I can' t even take spinach or beet juice. Not sure may be I can boil them first and then try it. Where I can get hydrogen peroxide and how many times per day I have to use that. I stop eating wheat and feeling better but still I do have digestion problems.

Replied by Jyoti (Abilene, Usa) on 09/01/2012

Mahi, Google pranic healing. There are lacs of people who are healers in India. If your solar plexus and navel chakras and dirty and congested, they can clean it up in a healing session and your digestion issues will be resolved. Please look into it. Your constipation will go away too. It helped me tremendously in a few sessions.

Good luck, Jyoti


Replied by Sunshine (Eagle River, Ak) on 09/02/2012

Hello, I have suffered from constipation for many years and I finally met a GI doc that told me to take one cap full of Miralax and at the same time take a fiber supplement such as metamucil. I take the metamucil clear that you mix into juice or water that is not gitty. I put the metamucil and miralax in my water and mix until disolved and drink. It has changed my life, try it! I hope this helps. :)

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