Hurry causes excess mucous produced

Posted By Danimal (Dc, Usa) on 09/29/2012

Help! It seems to only happen if I am in a hurry or under stress, I. E. Taking out the trash the night b4- no problem, but if I hear the truck on the way and I am rushing to beat it I feel like I am gonna die! It hurts to breathe, my chest and jaw hurts and I produce mucous like a horse foaming at the mouth. I can walk or swim for miles or shovel snow from my long driveway- if I am in no hurry- no problem, but if I am in a hurry or stressed, even a hundred feet and I really feel like I should call an ambulance which others have offered but I always refuse. If am am going with others to a concert or a sporting event I always have to fall behind and take a break every 2 minutes to rest and I will produce a gallon of phlegm. I have to spit every few seconds, it's totally gross. Let alone the feeling that I am gonna die right there. 10 - 15 minutes of pure rest, drinking alot of water and repeatedely rinsing out my mouth as well as some sort of effective distraction is when I know I am not actually gonna die. No one - even Dr.s have any clue so far. Does this sound familiar to any one?

Replied by Lorraine (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 09/29/2012

Hi, I believe Ted recommends something called N-acetyl Cystine for excess mucous. You may want to do a site search here @ EC on N-Acetyl Cystine to see his full remarks. cayenne powder ma7 also help. Best, Lorraine

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/29/2012

Hi Danimal, I had a similar problem and yes, I agree, it was disgusting. My acupuncturist said I had a mucus condition and it was caused by poor digestion. He treated me for that. It worked! On the other hand, you don't say anything about your diet. That's something else you might want to clean up. Both have changed that condition for me. Hope this helps, Lisa

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