How best to repair immune system after years of antibiotic use

Posted By Johnny (Pune, India) on 10/14/2010

How to start the Repair of immune system after years of antibiotic usage?

Hi all,

I've not been a reader of this site for a very long time. However my wife looked up your site for curing boils naturally about 6 months back, and by following the turmeric treatment and avoidance of sugar, white flour and yeast, we had managed to cure this problem which I suffered in PAIN for more than 6 years without any cure. Till sometime back I could eat whatever I want in moderation and not have any problem. However circumstances have now changed. I have had to move alone to a new city for a few months without her and her support, and being forced to eat outside have fallen back into the trap of the foods to avoid and have got myself into the worst problem boils-wise than ever before. I am slowly healing and right now on a strict diet to avoid all of these foods. My question below is more from a long term perspective. My history has been that up to the age of 9 years, I used to get colds every month for which 5 injections of penicillin were the cure, had a near TB infection and was given anti-rabies injections for a dog bite. After that I moved to a new country, where I don't remember getting a cold for the next 15 years or so, but I used to regularly get other health problems. And after the age of 23 or so, I used to get boils on and off all over my body. No cure except pop more pills. About 6 years back this problem got totally out of hand when there was a long line of boils just waiting for the other to go. All of them used to come in the genital area and were very painful, sometimes requiring near surgery to burst the monsters and drain the pus, etc. My food habits were also very bad, where I used to finish boxes of chocolate and ice cream in a single go. And the usage of white flour as much as possible.

As possible treatments I tried homeopathic medicine as well as Unani medicine, and both these seemed to work upto my using it. The moment I stopped, the problem would start in the next 15 days or so. Finally my dear wife had enough of this as sometimes she also used to get infected. She found your wonderful site and got me onto the cures. The first time I was cured in 2 weeks, I immediately stopped taking the turmeric and rejoiced by eating all the forbidden food. And got into the same problem again. The next time I did the treatment for 2 months or so, and was finally cured completely. I could now eat whatever I wanted in moderation and this problem never came back, except maybe for some small pimple type boils which didn't even last very long. Now this problem has started again. I can definitely get cured in the short term like before this. However, I know that this problem is due to my weakened immune system. My body can naturally fight off all this crap. And it isn't because of all the abuse it has gone through over the years. The candida infection or whatever it is, is definitely still waiting in my system, waiting to infect me again.

Isn't there a natural way to reset the immune system, by taking certain supplements or following a strict diet for a certain amount of time that will get the immune system back into its natural state? Can anybody please shed light on this?

Thank you for your time, and hope this post brings out solutions that many people have been waiting for.


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/14/2010

Hi Johnny, I will address your question from my own experience. I have written on here for a couple of years now which is when I started trying lots of the remedies that are on this site of which I saw changes for the better for from all of them for periods at a time. Then, I wouldn't see much progress. Before I start though, I want to say that it has been a long journey since my immune system began to break down and my pain was so intense. I tried Chinese medicine, acupuncture, massage therapy, energy healing, chiropractic, and all helped somewhat but I really didn't see a true breakthrough. Then I found this site.

I did the apple cider vinegar as one of the first remedies and considered myself a pretty clean eater meaning eating whole, natural foods close to the original source. Ha! I went into a major detox that night and my husband had to take care of me. It was he that correlated it to the capful of Apple Cider Vinegar I took and rather cavalier-like at that!

I did Apple Cider Vinegar/ baking soda and saw some relief to the pain I experienced on an ongoing continual basis but not that much. Then, it was oil-pulling which was very interesting because I saw positive changes from that as well with pain lessened but then it seemed to just level off.

Then, someone posted here about the mini-beet protocol which peaked my curiosity and after studying it and reading the claims I decided to go for it.

In the process, I wanted to learn more about it but couldn't find much on it but that led me to green juicing which then led me to the raw food world. At first I thought, "these people are crazy! " but as I went from site to site I couldn't help but notice how physically beautiful everyone was that was living this way. Also, I read testimonial after testimonial about overcoming all sorts of major ailments from gross obesity to severe arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, etc. I thought, I have nothing to lose at this point since I'm in so much pain. So, I announced to my husband that I wanted to try this and see if this might make a difference. I was absolutely fascinated by all the stories- could they be true?

We embarked immediately on it radically changing our diet. We went about 90-95% raw and I studied all the raw food books and recipes. We eliminated all dairy, bread, pasta and meat. Within 2-4 days all my pain was gone! GONE! And I was ecstatic determined to commit to this diet for an extended period of time. The pain never returned and both my husband and I dropped 10 lbs or more immediately. That all started last Oct. And by Christmas, because of the holidays I cautiously tried a bit of meat w/ no reaction. One night a relative made a dish that I love and had to eat it. It was a spinach cheese pie and w/in 10 min the pain was raging through my body! I had pulled off all the dough so that wasn't it and removed all the pieces of feta so I thought there was no other dairy but my husband said, "Did you see all the cream she dumped into the recipe?" Aha! There was the source- dairy.

Slowly, we added simple cooked foods back into our diet- mostly soups like lentil, black bean, pea, etc. Nothing that would overload our digestive system. I honestly believe I have reset my immune system and like you, as a child was very sickly and given many medications, antibiotics, immunizations, etc. Now, we eat a very diverse diet again and I feel clearer, no more rashes or hive outbreaks, no more urinary tract infections, or tooth infections, no more acid reflux or canker sores- all of which were becoming more and more frequent.

So, if you are serious about resetting your immune system, I am absolutely certain that it can be done. BUT, you must be willing to make these changes, committed to seeing it through. I have remained dairy-free and pasta-free but drink kefir on a daily basis which has made me feel even stronger with all its probiotics to strengthen my gut. I also now eat a special bread made with probiotics not yeast. I take zeolite every few days to remove heavy metals and detox and once a week or so I drink apple cider vinegar and baking soda. I try to keep my body as clean as I can to keep my immune system strong. I truly hope my story can help you and give you strength in knowing you can turn your health around! I wish you the best on your journey... To your health, Lisa


Replied by Lisa (Waynesboro, Va) on 10/26/2010

Hi Lisa,
What is your bread recipe made with probiotics? I have been on the candida diet for 90 days and am feeling so much better, but sure miss the bread. I too made many of the dietary changes and will not go back to eating the way I did before. Diet is still the key. Thanks, Lisa

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/26/2010

Hi Lisa from Waynesboro, VA,
Actually, I buy my bread here at the Farmer's Market in LA where there is a man who has his own small bakery and specializes in this kind of bread. You can find this kind of bread in some health food stores as well. One brand is called Grindstone Bakery. You can google that and learn about their process. Personally, I found it too sour for my liking. So far the best tasting of this bread is from Jack Bezian's Bakery in my opinion. Still, you can make your own from homemade kefir and then let it ferment making a real sourdough bread. Here's a link to a site that explains exactly what to do.

Jack Bezian says the secret is in the fermentation time. He says he can let his breads ferment anywhere from 24 hours to a month! Another method of making "bread" is done by the raw food world in which you use a dehydrator. It's thin, dense and chewy and I happen to love it but not everyone does. If you have any other questions feel free to write or send your email to earth clinic and I will tell you other sites that are quite informative and educational on this subject. To your health! Lisa

Replied by Tina (Princeton, N J) on 10/27/2010

I have been eating flourless sprouted grain bread ( from a Biblical recipe, or so the package info says) which I pick up from the freezer section of my local health food store. Toasted, it is crisp, nutty, and chewy. I have begun to like its flavour a lot. If you don't have time to make your own bread, this one is a nutritious substitute. That's what I have for breakfast, along with a glass of goat milk kefir.

I had no luck making kefir at home with regular, store bought organic milk. I bought the grains from Amazon and was very hopeful of cooking up regular batches. But the milk just turned thick and sour. Was it because it wasn't raw milk? I read the excellent site that Lisa from Thousand Oaks recommended for kefir and it said to use raw milk. Could that be the reason why the milk didn' t turn into kefir? Can kefir only be made from raw milk? Or was it due to the fact that milk was cold? Does the milk also have to be room temperature or can it be made from milk straight from the fridge? If any EC posters could answer these questions, I would be so grateful! Thanks.


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/27/2010

Hi Tina, Read your post about your kefir making experience. There shouldn't be a problem at all w/ making milk kefir w/ whatever milk you choose. At least that's what I've learned in all my research. I choose to use raw milk because I think it's the healthiest choice but also, it is available readily here in California which is not the case in most states. I have also used both whole and skim milk successfully. On kefir making group sites, I've read of people using all sorts of various milks successfully. Also using all sorts of various sugars.

Now, my question to you is what do you mean by it just turned thick and sour? That's pretty much a good description of kefir! Also, I always use my milk right out of the fridge and there's no problem. I leave it sitting on the counter from morning to morning so that's about 24 hours before it becomes kefir. Then I strain it to retrieve the grains. Another question I have for you is, do you use any kind of sugar? I have used raw cane and also blackstrap molasses successfully since I don't use sugar generally in anything. The grains are really happy w/ the Blackstrap Molasses as they are really growing and are fat and plump! I have even given some away because I had so much after about 2 1/2 months. Also, how are your grains doing? Do they grow? Anyway, I hope this helps you somewhat. If you join the yahoo kefir making group lots of people ask and answer questions there as well! Wishing you the best, Lisa


Replied by Tina (Princeton, Nj) on 10/27/2010

Hi Lisa, thanks for responding. When I tried to make kefir, I followed the instructions the seller had sent along with the grains, which said to pour milk into a clean, dry container in which the grains had been deposited. I kept the glass jar on the counter. It said to wait 12 to 24 hours. At the end of 12 hours there was no change but 24 hours later, the milk had become a thick slab with a watery mixture at the bottom. It didn't look or smell right. When I tasted a tiny bit, it was sour, really nasty. So I threw it away and tried again. Same result. I had no idea about putting sugar in it. The grains I bought are now over. I shall buy some more from the site you suggested and try again. In the meanwhile, there is always store bought goat milk kefir. Thanks again for your advice.

Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 10/27/2010

Hi Tina, Well, the instructions I've used were that the first few times the grains need to acclimate to their new home. Especially, if they were dried which is how mine came. It even said to not be surprised if it took up to two weeks for them to "take". Happily for me, it only took 3 days before I had kefir. What do you mean the grains are done? Once you get them, they should be good for life. I do hope you attain more and give it another go. Also, it is not unusual at all w/ homemade kefir for the curds and whey to separate. I just close the jar and give it a whirl to mix it all back together. In regards to the sugar, the grains eat it and that's what make them grow so quickly. Hopefully, this info helps. Lisa

Replied by Lisa (Waynesboro, Va) on 11/01/2010

Thanks, Lisa! I just don't know if I can have anything fermented with the candida issue I have. But I did check out the Grindstone Bakery; fabulous. Too bad I don't live in CA anymore. I miss the access to all the cutting edge food. My email is [email protected] if you have any other info. Thanks much.

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