Seeking Help With Paralyzed Vocal Cord

Posted By Fox (Texas) on 08/11/2020

Does anyone happen to know of anything that might help a paralyzed vocal cord? My wife has had trouble swallowing and speaking. Her ENT discovered an enlarged lingual tonsil that was removed surgically. During her recovery she became extremely fatigued for about 3 days, and both her surgeon and her primary doctor believed she had a viral infection, but it was never confirmed.

3 weeks after her recovery from surgery, she finally had her follow-up with her ENT. During her exam, he noticed that one of her vocal cords was paralyzed. We don't know if this was the problem all along, if it happened from the surgery, or from the suspected viral infection during recovery. The ENT scheduled a MRI to see if they can discover the cause, but in the meantime is there something that might help or speed along a recovery from this?


Replied by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 08/13/2020

I have a few puzzle pieces that might fit the puzzle. I had my tonsils and adenoids out and was so sick after that. Ted in this site says they are the first place the body fights virus and other issue so when they go the body has lost a line of pawns and is weaker.

My son and my grand daughter had to get theirs out too, sick all the time. Now in here Ted talks about lysine, zinc, ect. and fighting virus first. Eric Berg on youtube has lots of information on the stress hormone cortisol and how it can cause throat issues and how to do pressure points to release the stress in the body that gets trapped. His videos are free. It could also be you could glean from John Bergman on youtube he teaches tons of insights into alignment issue that affect other areas and organ function. Save yourself some heartache down the road...get to the root of the problem instead of fighting the symptoms.

Blessings, Charity

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