Help requested for white spots and cracks on tongue

Posted By Rajkumar (New Delhi) on 05/31/2015

White patches on tongue, redness at the tongue tip, cracks on tongue :

I am suffering from subjected problem from last 4 years. When I feel redness or burning sensation, I am taking one acdiobacillus capsule ( vizylac) and B complex -Z. After taking this, I got some relief from burning sensation around tongue and at tip. But these white lines remains there and it will take few days to disappear temporarily. Kindly suggest me some to deal with above subjected problem of my tongue. I shall be highly thankful to you.

EC: Dear Rajkumar,

Please see remedies on Earth Clinic's Burning Mouth Syndrome section here.

You might also be interested in this post we just received from Mary Jane (San Antonio) about oil pulling with olive oil and baking soda, and then gargling with Milk of Magnesia for her tongue issues.


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