Help Requested for Searing Back Pain and Kidney Infection

Posted By Carmel (England) on 09/24/2015

Please contact if you can advise me on this.

I have an underactive thyroid , but only slight. 50 mg a day is enough. A week ago I bent down and a searing pain went up my back from my waist I could barely move. I then had trouble moving about and too much pain to bend down. A few hours later I started to get nausea and go off my food, also felt very cold and out of sorts generally, and stomach discomfort. This continued all day and the day after. And now, a few days later, it is the same. I saw the nurse at the doctors. She said I had just hurt myself when I bent somehow but the urine test said I had an infection. And she is giving me antibiotics for kidney infection. She said my blood pressure is very high and there is a soft lump at the bottom of my spine. Was it new? No idea. Am very worried now. Please write if you can shed any light on it. rychhmo (at) Thanking you and God bless all.


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