Help requested for chronic back pain and severe leg cramps

Posted By Marishma (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/07/2014

Believe it might be Fibromyalgia.... I have chronic back pain, a pinched nerve in my back as well as vertebrae joined together. This was caused at work, WSIB paid me and then pulled my x-rays saying I could go back to work. I didn't know that they had actually pulled an older x-ray due to myself having my back checked out Stenosis (something that my Biological Mother had). My Physician did not tell me until I think 13mths. later that I should have been accepted. Had he told me even 6mos. earlier I could have fought it.

I have been suffering with the pain in my back for many many years although I did tolerate it at 3hrs. a day

We moved to the city and I drove City Bus, which I thoroughly enjoyed however..... This is where I was injured and my Physician said enough is enough. Time to stop driving.

Lately I have been getting severe leg cramps which I have to say are so much worse then a Charlie. This was happening in the middle of the these past months. Believe me, there are no long trips for me b/c I just don't know when it may hit. Now I just had a baby granddaughter, born at the end of Dec/2013 and I havent' been able to get over to see her with the pain I am in. I have not seen her yet. That in itself really hurts. Along with housework to. Such a darling grandson!! He makes me proud!!

If anyone happens to know what this may be please send me an email, I am so worried that it could be MS. Help pls!! I honestly hope you can read this. Love you, mom.


Replied by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/08/2014

Marishma: The cells have an internal repair system when nourished properly with 85% raw organic produce and 15% raw grass fed animal products.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/08/2014

Dear Marishma,

Congratulations on your new grandson! I am so sorry your pain has prevented you even meeting him yet.

The first things that come to my mind for you to try are turmeric and blackstrap molasses.

1 teaspoon turmeric in a cup of milk, twice a day. Any kind of milk is fine, though it is best not to be non-fat. Alternately, take 4 turmeric capsules twice a day. Turmeric is good for inflammation and pain.

Blackstrap molasses may help with the cramping. 1 Tablespoon twice a day. You could put it into the milk with the turmeric, but I am not sure how that would taste. We usually just take it off the spoon.

A magnesium supplement may help the leg cramps.

If you can get someone to massage your back with castor oil before bed, that may help with pain.

Plenty of water or herbal tea is important. Even slight dehydration will increase pain. Adding a splash of raw apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon would be helpful, too.

Decrease coffee, processed foods and processed sugar and increase fruits and vegetables.

There are many other things you can try. These are some things to start with.

I hope you feel better soon. Please keep us posted.

~Mama to Many~


Replied by Prioris (Fl) on 02/08/2014

For the pinched nerve, go to a good chiropractor. They should be able to resolve the problem.

Back pain may be a symptom that your synovial fluid lacks enough Hyaluronic Acid. As people age, their HA gradually depletes. I am only familiar with one version of HA that I know that works - Biocell. It is combined with collagen and highly absorbed. Many HA products use this. Take at least 150 mg of per day on empty stomach - a half hour before bed would be convenient. This will likely resolve your pinched nerve also but I think it still would be healthy to have a couple adjustments by a chiropractor.

Cramps are usually caused by lack of calcium to muscles. For cramps, take a cal-mag-D3 supplement with food. Magnesium and D3 help absorption. Don't take high doses of calcium like doctors recommend - something around 600 mg of calcium is probably good ball park. I would also consider taking vitamin K2 (ML7 form). You may be getting enough calcium but it may be sticking to your arteries. K2 makes sure the calcium goes where it is suppose to.

Cramps can also be caused by lack of blood flow (that carries the calcium to the muscles) to where cramp occurs. This can happen in middle of the night as foot cramps or extremities or swimming. Someone I knew had this problem and they took nattokinase before bed and the problem went away.


Replied by Healthseeker (Usa) on 02/08/2014

Just my 2 cents. I also have been having problems with terrible cramping/charlie horses in my legs and feet during the night. came across information that this can also be caused by potassium deficiency and possible thyroid issues. if I get a bad cramp during the night taking some raw apple cider vinegar in water will stop them in a few minutes. Next for me is to get thyroid tests done asap. Thanks to all and earth clinic!

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