Help needed for sister with severe systemic candida and possible mold exposure

Posted By Sister Stacey (Temecula, Ca) on 03/26/2015

I apologize for the length..I will do my best to keep this is short as possible... I am desperate for some direction. I have been searching high and low and I keep ending up at sites with big claims but they don't feel right in my gut as they are all selling their own type of cure. If I KNEW one would work I'd pay the money..but we cant keep chasing them down rabbit holes.

My sister has been extremely sick for the last 15 months. She 51 and has been unbelievably healthy her entire life, even though she's spent many years overweight.

Let me try to give you a timeline....

*Started having pain in her vaginal area approx. 3 years ago. Doctors told her they felt it was uterine fibroids. Pain would come and go and she used prescription pain pills as needed. During these visits they told her thyroid was low and put her on low dose of thyroid meds. 2013 the pain was way more consistent and they told her they wanted to look into a hysterectomy. (they also mentioned to her she had a lot of inflammation down there)

*Dec 2013 one night she felt tingling in her hands while bowling (this was basically the beginning of the landslide and she's been severely sick since) - the next morning she woke up and felt nauseous and did not feel like having her morning coffee or food. Of course she thought she had the flu or had eaten something bad. Over the course of the next 6 months she endured all of these symptoms (sometimes many at the same time)

-Nausea - Diarrhea - Constipation - consistent weight loss (90lbs lost to date)- no appetite - severe trembling - random rashes - vaginal pain - cold hands and feet - severe sweating - numbness in her hands - consistent belching for hours at a time (like every 4-5 second) - burning in esophagus - insomnia - fatigue - foamy mouth and extra saliva with a severely white coated tongue.

She was convinced she was dying and She became paranoid and began to find ways to visit multiple urgent cares and hospitals over the course of 3 months. She was admitted 2 times for a week and they ran every test possible and found nothing. A few of them told her she had Anxiety which angered her as she thought they were just telling her she was crazy. None of us knew anything about Anxiety...and once doing a lot of research, they were partly right, Anxiety can cause MANY of these symptoms and we were realizing in her paranoia attacks she was full of anxiety. Of course they gave her the normal Xanax/Zoloft which would kind of help with the anxiety feeling but of course was not helping ANY of the medical issues.

I brought her to live with me for a few months to get her out of her comfort zone of running to hospitals as she was driving them to the poor house. Luckily, I am not in the complete dark about what Candida is as my mother has struggled with it her whole life in different ways and I have as well, but my symptoms have been more annoying as opposed to life altering. In my mind, there were a few possibilities going on....

Candida / Anxiety / Hormones (she's 51)/ Constant Vaginal Pain (what caused what ? which came first, the chicken or the egg??) - At this point I don't know if we will EVER know that answer....

When she came to live with me she was a shell of a person and SO full of anxiety non-stop. Not the sister I grew up with. She couldn't function without someone directing her. During the time she was with me,

*I took her to a Bio-Identical hormone doctor who found she was lacking in some area (not severe but lacking so we got her on hormones - The doctor felt she had severe candida and even though she didn't want to use prescription, she felt it was severe enough and put her on a protocol of Nystatin and Diflucan

*I changed her to strict no sugar, no wheat, grains, glutens, etc. diet. Made her Kale and spinach shakes every morning, etc. - fish oil, vitamins, aloe vera juice, etc......

*Took her to get a series of 7 colonic irrigations (we did see candida emerge)

I could definitely see improvements in many things while she was with me although nowhere near healthy..but she was functioning more as a independent person. I told her she would be going home in the next few weeks and would need to continue the regimen once at home now that we had her on the right track, and almost immediately she took a nosedive...the anxiety kicked in and she started telling us she was addicted to her pills. All during this time she complained daily of her vaginal pain.

We decided she had too much time alone to sit and think about her illness causing more anxiety so my parents took her to their home in Texas for a bit to keep her busy and monitor her pill usage....While there for 2 months she ran out of hormones (her insurance doesn't cover out of state). They tried to keep her on the diet initially but she got so mentally sick while there that diet felt like their last worry (looking back, very bad move...hindsight UGH)... My sister has never drank in her life but my parents gave her a small glass of wine each night to try to relax her and ease her vaginal pain...and she felt it was working (again hindsight...SOOO much sugar) - she got exponentially worse mentally and started hearing voices and feeling suicidal. She begged to be admitted somewhere....My parents drove her back home to Vegas and I drove and met them there and we had her admitted to a facility (who of course just wanted to treat her with more psych meds and even add a bi-polar pill)

We were dealing with SO MANY issues at once we all felt like the first thing we needed to address was the constant pain she was feeling even before she got all these other symptoms. It was what she complained about most, the reason she wanted pain pills and wine. We consulted with her OB-GYN to make sure he felt her pain was fiboids...he made her go through 3 more pretty invasive tests and came back to say she needed full hysterectomy. Fast forward a few months, she's had full hysterectomy... STILL has constant vaginal pain....

Over the last few months she's added severe depression to her list of symptoms and some days wont or cant get out of bed, would refuse calls to talk to anybody etc. - then on random occassionas she will have a week of amazing clarity and ablility to function...but to add to all of the other things we have been trying to deal with, we have now found her 3 times completely passed out drunk (like SCARY do I call 911 drunk), simply because she is trying to escape the physical and mental pain. This from a woman who never drank.

I tried to get her into counseling but she refuses to go - I've also been trying to explain to her the hamster wheel she is on feeding her body with sugar because it makes her feel better when actually she's making it 10 times worse. (she's not in her right mind to reason with and really doesn't have the will - she's tired physically and mentally)

Let me add a few notes here....At the beginning of her illness I went to their home and to my dismay found their old master bathroom (with plans to remodel) FILLED with mold. I was mortified and told her husband that could make someone SO sick and could be contributing to her illness. Even though nobody else in the house was sick, she was typically home all day every in it. While she was living with me and my parents, he found them a new home so she is no longer in the environment however, in my recent research I have seen where things like black mold exposure can absolutely make Candida rear its ugly head.

I have asked her family to PLEASE try to keep her on a strict no sugar candida diet, which they are trying to do (although I cant monitor completely as she is 4 hours away). She is also staying away from alcohol with a few small slip ups here and there.

I have written ALL of that history to say this.... You can see why I don't have the luxury of just chasing "potential cures" all over. While her healing is important to them, financially they are DRAINED and I am trying to help however I can. We are at a crossroads knowing we NEED to move forward with getting her some relief.

Because of her living 3 places this past year and so many urgent care / hospital visits, nobody (meaning a doctor) had truly monitored her care or story over the last 15 months..but I DO already know none of her primary or ob-gyn doctors believe in candida so their treatment is truly going to be more pills to try to help her mind.

I want to take her to a naturopath but they are costly and who knows if you find a good one ?

Everything in me tells me the Candida is the MAIN ROOT of everything that has manifested....even though I believe hormones are a big part. But I CANNOT rule out other options..whatever the heck they may be!! I have spent hundreds of hours searching the internet for the BEST way to start over in treating her and it is truly overwhelming.

*Do I try to take her to a naturopath who may or may not be able to find what her body is lacking to begin to heal itself and buy lots of supplements

*Do I try $300-$700 candida treatments I see all over online, and if so, which ones actually work

*Do I try this H202 thing I have read about on this site ?

*Do I try experimenting with essential oils

*Since she was exposed to Mold does she need some kind of liver flush first ?

I'm sorry for the rambling but after all this time, she needs relief, we all need relief.

Thank you for listening!!


Replied by Marcin (Toronto, Canada) on 03/26/2015

I would not recommend trying candida treatments found online. Because of their marketing techniques and tricks they make you believe you need their product and that it will help you.

I have never seen anybody who got cured using these products or programs, me included.

I would really recommend you seeing a good Traditional Chinese Practitioner or a homeopath specializing in candida, maybe even both of them. In Traditional Chinese Medicine there is a whole new world of medicine and healing that is unknown to western medicine. As for homeopathy, recently I went to a lecture by a homeopath Rebecca Gower who has healed numerous people from candida. According to her, homeopathy might be the best form of treatment for this issue.

I would also be vary of liver flushes (too aggresive treatment) and supplements (herbal remedies by a Traditional Chinese Practitioner would be much better).

Really, go to a good TCM clinic or to a homeopath. The former tend to be cheaper, and, in my opinion, more reliable because it is a system based on thousands years of experience.


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/26/2015

Hi Sister Stacey...It seems that you've been through the mill with the doctors and I have alot of sympathy both for your sister and for your family with this issue.

I think that your sister has candida plus several other issues. From what you have described, I would say that your sister has either Candida or Asperigillus(or both) and hypothyroid with digestion problems which are all caused from a compromised immune system, high heavy metals, high fungal waste toxins and lack of proper nutrients. I must also add that your sister may also have parasites as well. Parasites occur regularly together with fungal/yeast infections.

If you want to use the food grade hydrogen peroxide(HP) protocol on its own then you should start your sister on 2 drops food grade HP in a glass of water and, by increasing her drop dosage by one drop a day, bring her daily HP up to at least 25 drops a day in a glass of water. So it will take about 23 days for your sister to reach the max HP dosage required. Take this HP dose first thing in the morning when there is no food in the stomach and take it at least one or two hours before any meal. Around the 10 to 15 drop dosage point your sister may feel nauseous or have headaches due to the HP so you should cut back on the HP dosage for a while so the stomach can get used to the HP and then start to again increase the dose to the recommended amount.

To learn more about the Hydrogen peroxide protocol you can read The One Minute Cure by by Madison Cavanaugh or Hydrogen Peroxide: Medical Miracle by William Campbell Douglass -- both books are sold on Amazon. There is also a book called The Truth About Hydrogen Peroxide which is a free download from here. This will help you to get up to speed concerning use of HP.

The hydrogen peroxide protocol given above is extremely useful for killing viruses, mycoplasma, parasites, fungus/yeast and bacteria in the body. It also helps to detox heavy metals and poisons from the body and, after it has broken down, HP supplies extra oxygen to the body for more energy.

If the above, if the hydrogen peroxide protocol does not work well or is too difficult then you should try the full anti-candida protocol that is shown here. This protocol does not use HP but does exactly what what the hydrogen peroxide protocol does and will perhaps more thoroughly address other problems such as lack of nutrient issues(e g low body iodine, magnesium and zinc for example).

What might also be useful is if you get a hair analysis done on your sister's hair(Hair analysis is quite cheap). This will tell you exactly what minerals and vitamins your sister is lacking in her diet as well as tell you what heavy metals or poisons she has in her body in excess. Thus you will be able to more accurately fine tune your sister's regimen by also adding these important nutrients to her protocol.

For your sister's anxiety you should try giving her 1500 mgs of either niacinamide or inositol hexanicotinate -- slow release niacin -- twice a day with meals. This will help to calm her down as well as help her to sleep and will also help to kill the fungus and other pathogens involved. I would also give her Vitamin B50 complex at last once a day with the niacin.

The reason that your sister has ongoing nausea is probably because of an impaired digestive system caused by the fungus and other factors. Take the full Low Stomach acid protocol shown here. Take all the ingredients listed. Not only will this help her digestion issues but the iodine in the protocol should also help her thyroid problems as well as help to kill the candida.

Lastly, I would recommend you to give your sister Gymnema sylvestre tea(GST) every day -- 4 times a day. If you can't get the tea then just buy the organic GS powder and take 1/4 tspn in boiled water together with green tea 4 times a day. Both Aspergillus and Candida are dimorphic which means that they both have two distinct living forms that are quite different. One is the yeast form(saprophytic, reproduces by budding, local infection) and the other is the more virulent fungal form(proper parasite, spores, bodywide). The fungal form is therefore much more virulent and difficult to get rid of than the yeast form because it infects the blood, organs and tissues -- it infects everywhere in other words. What Gymnema sylvestre tea does is to inhibit the phenotypic transition or morphing of the yeast form into the fungal form, so this tea will help considerably to completely eliminate the fungal form of Aspergillus or Candida in the body. This then leaves you with the less virulent yeast form to deal with, which is easier to eradicate. I would also add that GS has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine for thousands of years and is completely safe to use as tea.

For your sister's lower abdominal pain I would try using a 70% DMSO solution(DMSO + 30% water) combined with lugol's iodine and clove oil. Use one teaspoon of 70% DMSO (DimethylSulfoxide) and add 1/4 tspn iodine and one drop of clove oil. Rub this mixture in a thin film over the area just above the abdominal pain. After it has been absorbed and dried then you can apply some aloe vera oil to prevent irritation. Apply this mixture once every day. This mixture should both help to reduce the pain(DMSO is a safe and remarkable anti-inflammatory) and will help to kill any pathogens in the area that may be also be causing the pain. You can purchase 99% DMSO easily off the internet and you can also buy it from vets and agricultural farm stores in the US. Lastly, You sister should try and follow the diet principles shown here.


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