Help for Acid Reflux, Silent Type

Posted By Michael (Trinty, Florida USA) on 04/08/2012

Acid Reflux Silent Type: Hello Ted, I am a 49 yo male in good physical condition no medical issues thus far until 2 months ago. I started feeling tightness in my throat and deep belching before that I had a bout with bad breath some months before for a short time. I went to my D. O. Dr. He wasn't real specific on determining diagnosis and said acid reflux. I found this awesome site and hoped you will be able to get me well. I was put on Aciphex and only took for 1 wk. But set on natural approach as your Apple Cider Vinegar and bs remedy sounds great fix however had not added bs yet. Symptoms include tight throat that worsens after mid morning and continues through day. Phlegm when swallowing. Generally feel not rite. Sensation near solar plexus area. Had rear left side neck ache and headache also stomach pain that moved to pubic area and crotch was tender but those have subsided. A cough that never really helped has Lessened. Seem to get winded while speaking very odd because I sing. Food was just seeming to sit high in stomach. Never experience any indegestion or know when refluxing. But I noticed when I go on the 2 off days of remedy I tend to have bad days with LPR? Also now after 2 months of this its harder to breathe almost slight asthmatic result of fumes.

Can you help with a detailed regimine for healing and curing me. Diet do's and dont's, remedies timing of when and how to take them will be greatly appreciated. What I have been doing is first thing in a. M. I have a large glass of carrot and apple juice mixed half each. I then about an hour later have 1 tbs Apple Cider Vinegar and raw honey in glass of water. Wait 15 or 20 mins. Then eat usually a piece of natural bread with hard or soft boiled eggs. Try to and even need to eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours I know it if I go too long it flares. I have cut out meats, coffee, green tea, cold cuts, processed foods, anything crunchy etc. Just mostly soft foods and no dairy except yogurt. And have been doing a lot of salads and light steam veggies with very little chicken. I take 25 bil. Probiotic once in morning and digestive enzyme with almost every meal. I do a tbs. Of slippery elm 2x a day mixed in few oz. Apple juice. And eat last meal at about 6:00 Meals are boring and small accounts for 15 lbs. Weight loss. Height is 5'10"and weight before was 190s now 170s athletic build. Can you please help me with this ailment. Thanks, Michael


Replied by Laura (Clovis, Ca) on 04/10/2012

I had similar symptoms that started out with tight throat and escalated to other random symptoms. Doctor sent me to ENT and they told me that I had GERD. Couldn't believe this since I had never had any symptoms and was always able to eat any 'do not eat foods' on GERD list. After several agonizing months I finally found the true source of my symptoms... H Pylori. I also was diagnosed with candida in my esophagus. But the main symptoms you talk about sound a lot like the HP. Ask your doctor to test you for it.

Replied by James (Potts Camp, Ms.) on 04/12/2012

Try fennel in caps 480 mg- take 3 in morning and 3 at night.

Replied by Katrina (Lake Michigan, USA) on 02/23/2023

Mastic Gum 3days on. 3days off. Avoid processed/Fried/GreasyUnhealthyPackaged//Fast foods. ALSO, cut ot all SUGAR! (cakes, cookies, pasta/candy-anything with white sugar/whit flour/white rice)). Also, get off wheat & dairy, coffee & black tea. chicken, turkey, fish no beef. eat fresh, organic vegies& eliminate fruits for a few months. HEAL & Seal your ell. sponser or get any kickbacks from telling you here. Just want a better life for all who suffer!

Leaky gut if Chron's, IBS (w/pr w/o constipation). I had Fibromyalgia, acid reclux, exhaustion as well from wrong food combination & too may processed foods! SEEK OUT A NATUROPATHIC/FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE DR (OR Auruvedic DR in India). I healed severe ZFMS after getting off these foods, I drank non-caffinated tea, used monkfruitw/stevia, and drank alkaline water w/ 1/2 tsp. baking soda. in 60 days healed from death's door, Candida had over-ridden my system!! Detoxing Candida, Yeasts/Molds from my body using an anti-parasitic/anti-Candida herb. 50% pain gone after 1month. 98% burning mudvle pain with 2nd PARAGONE KIT from Renew Life. I dont make a penny, get a kickback, no blog! PAIN GONE AFTER 7rs bedridden. THAT WAS IN 2007! Katrina


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