Have used many products for corns and calluses

Posted By Neil-lee (Cleveland, Uk) on 06/04/2011

i have suffered from these ailments for over a year now I have used many products from the chemist that has cost me a fortune, can anyone suggest anything to cure these? please advice any help would be grateful.

Replied by Shital (Sunnyvale, Ca, USA) on 08/17/2012

I had a corn on my light leg finger from last 6 months. I did try corn bandage for months but it just spoiled my good skin around the corn. Few days back I observed two moew corns just below my right hand thumb and left hand first finger and I was shocked. Then my mother-in-law started teaching me breathing exercises from yoga (pranayam) and now just after 15 days all the three corns are gone! Breathing exercise removes all impurities from the body and it has worked for me to cure my corns.

All the best for everyone!


Replied by Geo (Avl, Nc) on 02/16/2013

Corns on the hands are most likely WARTS. Corns are callouses caused by friction. They usually appear on the feet caused by tight shoes. Warts are believed by most to be an immune problen and a HPV (virus) infection that the body is unable to "Handle" for some reason.

It is wonderful that people are getting results w/ both issues using the same remedies.

Anyone thinking of amputation as a remedy should seek qualified psychiatric care.


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