Have bladder infection and skin rash

Posted By Female28 (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 08/31/2012

Hello everyone, I am a 28 year old female, I developed some kind of rashes on my skin and they were really itchy then I had itching on my urethra too, I went to care now and there I was given some prednosine 60 mg for 5 days and I was diagnosed with urinary infection grou b strep. I was put on macrobid 100mg and after 10 days as soon as I finished my course I went back as my itching came back and the rashes on my skin was severe and I had clusters of bumps on my thighs, inner thighs and hands and arms neck. I am also getting slight pain in my lower back as well. The doctor did another round of urine and blood, and she said I was doing better with my uti as the blood in my urine reduced to 1 from 3 plus, and I was given doxy -cycl hycl 100mg, cephalexin 500 mg, triamcinolon. 1 cre fougera, I am fine with the rashes but my skin has turned into purple color and very dry and itching has reduced but not completely and I still feel pain in my lower back, and as soon I pee. I pee little bit more without my knowledge. I am really scared please help me out.

Is there anything else to do, I was also goin for yeast infection as macrobid killed all the good bacteria too.


Replied by Oscar (Syracuse, New York, Usa) on 09/01/2012

Dear Female28, For any urinary tract infection which of course includes the bladder: I highly recommend using REAL cranberry juice. The so called craberry juice coctails sold at most grocery stores contain very little cranberry juice.

I was prescribed this treatment by a urologist when ALL of the antibiotics had failed me. Within about one week of this cranberry juice treatment any and all symptoms of this infection that had been with me for at least 3 or 4 years disappeared and never returned.

The treatment is: drink one cup of real cranberry juice three times throughout each day on an empty stomach. You can read about it here and at other websites. This cranberry juice really does work wonders for a very many people:



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