Have 11 year old grandson with eczema

Posted By Jco (Memphis, Tn) on 08/24/2011

I have a 11yr old grandson with eczema and asthma real real bad he have had it all his life can he use borax and water to clear his eczema up and can you tell me what will help him with his asthma.

Replied by Kattis (Auckland, New Zealand) on 08/24/2011

I was just reading up on this.... I might have some good ideas for you.... Just read that epsom salts are incredible for Ezcema and on the subject of asthma. I have a lot of info so will give you a quick run down and get hold of me if you need more info. Earth clinic has tons of info and reviews on things too. Now there is a herb called Mullien it works wonders with the lungs , healing after smoking , and may lungs disorders.... So that is something to research. I have done a bit of research myself so let me know if you have trouble finding some. Alos big factor , what is his diet.. Do you know his blood type... I could help you figure out his trigger foods and also they say if you have yeast out of balance that is will affect your bodies in so many ways and asthma is one on them ...

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 08/24/2011

The best remedy for ezcema I think is sea water.

As for asthma. My son was verging on it (and has bad lungs) but since I have been giving him butter and lots of coconut oil (unrefined) it has stopped. Also I now have him on cod liver oil (fermented) and butter oil. The lungs need saturated fats to operate properly. I don't give him any polunsaturated fats.

A good book is "Nourishing Traditions".


Replied by Jeff (Cebu City, Philippines) on 08/26/2011

Nebulize with FGHP, dilute to about 1%, or add around 3 drops of 35% FGHP to his drinking water. That should help out his asthma. My sister also has asthma, but ever since she started drinking FGHP (every other day) there has been no sign of asthma. Hope it'll work for your son.

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