Gums red sore teeth seem loose

Posted By Jay (Laos, Ireland) on 09/14/2012

My gums red, sore, teeth seem loose as well. I get dried mouth after using toothpaste, it makes it worse.

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/14/2012

Jay, read up on oil pulling and you might want to change your toothpaste.

Replied by Happy (Up The Creek In, Wv, Usa) on 09/15/2012

In reply to -- 09/14/2012: Jay from Laos, Ireland: you are probably allergic to the fluoride in the toothpaste. Switch to a home-made toothpaste that has no fluoride in it. You should also drink water with no fluoride in it.

Also, in some Euro countries fluoride is mandated to be put in the table salt now. Is this so in Ireland?


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/15/2012

Hi Jay... I had the same problem as you several years ago. My back teeth started to fall out for no reason at all and my teeth were becoming loose as well as gums receding. I think this was all tied in with my candida problems at the time as well.

To help cure these problem, I just followed some of the advice of both Dr Gerard Judd and Ted from Bangkok. I took the remedy that Judd recpmmended, which is shown here:

I just used organic soap for toothpaste as Judd recommends. Dr Judd also wrote a book -- Good Teeth: Birth to Death-- which is now a free download here:

Dr Judd describes how soap dislodges bacteria and prevents plaque build up by removing bacterial biofilms from the gum pockets of the teeth. Soap also emulsifies and removes fats covering teeth, which prevents proper re-mineralization of teeth from the mineral constituents of saliva. I also use Ted's advice -- I use 3% hydrogen peroxide as the final rinse for my mouth after cleaning to kill all the dislodged residual bacteria in the saliva and then use a small amount of baking soda afterwards to return my mouth saliva to its proper alkaline pH.

To strengthen gums, I take larger dose niacin or niacinamide, 500 mgs two or three times a day after meals. In this link, Abram Hoffer describes how he cured his own receding gum problems using higher dose niaci/niacinamide:

The above remedy is a fairly cheap and effective method of both strengthening and improving the health of your teeth. My teeth are now rock solid and my gums have also greatly improved as a result of this protocol.

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Replied by Susan (New York) on 09/15/2012

Hi Bill from San Fernando, will niacinamide makes me sleepy because Ted recomends niacinamide for insomnia ? Or taking after meal will not cause this problem? Thanks!

" larger dose niacin or niacinamide, 500 mgs two or three times a day after meals"


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 09/16/2012

Hi Susan... As a regular supplementer of higher dose niacin, I have to say that B3 does have a relaxing effect on the brain and, in this respect, is useful for depression. And if you feel relaxed, then it is much easier to fall asleep. Ted has also mentioned that an acid or overactive brain can also cause insomnia -- and the cure for that is his carbicarb remedy. But I have never found that niacin has ever made me groggy or sleepy during the daytime. I also usually take niacin after meals. Remember also that if you eat a large meal, this can also make you sleepy or groggy for a while during the daytime.

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