Growth on Inside of Lower Mouth

Posted By Kathelee (Montclair , NJ) on 08/10/2008

Hi, I searched your site but didn't find anything. I was hoping you may help. I have a growth on the inside of lower mouth that I have had before and there was nothing there, no disease or anything. It's grown back and I wondered if there is a way to get rid of doesn't hurt and it s relatively small but it's annoying. I've tried garlic and cayenne (hurt)and tried 12% h202 left then on about 15 minutes but no real change. I hate to go have it removed as its close to $500. and it grows back Appreciate any feedback. Thank you.

Replied by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 08/16/2008

To Kathelee from Montclair: A question Kathelee, I am assuming from your e-mail that you have had same type growth in same spot removed in the past, have you? If so, what was the pathologist report or were you told what sort of growth it was? Several things come to mind, the first one being have you thought of trying oil pulling since this is inside the mouth where putting any poultice type or ACV or H202 soaked cotton ball on it wouldn't likely stay put. If you were told it was a cystic type growth, google SSKI (potassium iodide) and pull up reference from Tahoma Clinic whose doctor advises that SSKI will rid you of cysts. Since most every reference in natural remedies seem to agree that alkaline conditions discourage many harmful things, you might try applying 1/8 tsp (or less depending on the size of this growth) of baking soda directly on that growth and letting it dissolve before rinsing it out 2 or 3 times a day to see if it helps. I have used this recently myself without harmful effects.

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