Gallbladder Attack or Virus? Need Help for Extreme Pain Under Rib Cage.

Posted By judith (USA) on 02/02/2024

Gall bladder attack? virus?

About a month ago, I had what I thought was a severe back spasm (mid-left of back) while on a 3 hour car trip taking my mother to the airport. Gradually worsening contraction like pains. I really couldn't pull over due to time and on my way home although in agony, I just wanted to get home. I immediately crawled to our biomat and QRS mat to see if that would relax it and it did help somewhat. Over the next couple of days, my back was sore especially if I pressed on one very particular spot just below and under my ribs close to the main muscles running along left side of my spine. Two nights later, I had fairly serious waves of pain in the center of my upper chest that lasted maybe 5 minutes. Heartburn? I've never had that, but maybe. I had them again the next night, although not as severe. My husband mentioned gall bladder and I sort of dismissed it because at 64, I've never had any gall bladder problems and saw no reason for them to start now.

And then - and this was the kicker - my husband came down with similar symptoms. Excruciating pain under his ribcage which, if not for EC!!!, would have sent him to the hospital. He did ACV, lemon juice, and a castor oil pack with heating pad. That got him past the severe pain within 1/2 hour. But like me, he continued to have chest, under ribcage pain/discomfort for several weeks. He felt better after taking an ivermectin. I didn't have the same happy results. I did a castor oil pack this morning on my chest. But, I am still looking for remedy or answer. Did we have some sort of virus? It seems highly improbable that both of us would have gall bladder attacks at the same time given that neither of us has had one before. I should add that neither have we had any urinary issues. Would love to hear if anyone has had a similar experience recently or any suggestions. Many thanks! judith

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