Need Help Treating Fungal Acne in Daughter - Nothing Helping

Posted By Maria (New York ) on 02/13/2023

Hi everyone: I've tried everything for my daughter fungal acne and nothing works. It breaks my heart to see her frustration day by day. Can anyone help please. Thanks in advance

Replied by Art (California) on 02/14/2023


If you haven't already tried the antifungal1% clotrimazole cream which is available over the counter at most drug stores or Walmart, it might be worth a try. Another consideration is grapefruit seed extract which is an antifungal that can be made into a spray for topical application. It is available as a liquid concentrate and you mix drops of it with distilled water as described on the label and this liquid mix can then be put in a small spray bottle.

Another consideration is borax, which is also antifungal, made into a liquid spray solution, but for some people the high pH may be too harsh for facial application, which is a very sensitive area.


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Replied by Daniel (Us) on 02/14/2023

Check out Doug Kaufmann has been studying the effects of fungus on humans for 50 plus years. See his diet and supplements you need.
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Replied by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 02/15/2023

Maria, is she open to modifying her diet? If so, she can try for one week to eliminate dairy, sugar and grains.
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Replied by Rob (Kentucky) on 02/14/2023

Maria… You will need a few things:

* Facial Cleansing Brush Face Exfoliator (the type that runs on batteries)

* Tea tree oil soap (Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree Bar Soap)

*Tea tree oil

Have your daughter exfoliate her face 2x/daily. Wet the brush and rub it on the soap bar and exfoliate her face. It feels nice.

After washing off the soap bubbles, dry face and use a Q-tip dipped in tea tree oil to spot dab all the areas of concern. Do this for a week and it should clear up.

My sister showed this trick to me back when I was growing up in the 70’s-80’s and it worked like a charm.

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