Exercise leads to exhaustion and illness

Posted By Idahomom (Hayden, Id, Usa) on 06/04/2012

I am DESPERATE!! I have had the worst time getting my body to like working out. I work out for 1 week, extremely light, and then end up sick. I have kept up with it for a few months but keep doing the same thing. I am taking a whole foods supplement, adrenal glandular support, ACV, BSM, B-12 and B complex shots, chromium, I keep a GF, dairy free diet. I would love to be able to exercise w/o getting sick. I have talked to multiple doctors and Naturopaths who cant seem to tell me what is off. I have done 2 liver/ gallbladder cleanses also. I also take greens drinks. I know exercising is suppose to help your immune system not make it weaker. I hope someone will have some insight on what can help. PLEASE!!! ~Eleasha~

Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/05/2012

Eleasha, from what I gather, if this happens, you are NOT supposed to exercise until your body gets "back to itself". So maybe take a couple of weeks of a break. The regular daily movements might be all you need for right now.

Replied by Lisa (Rabat, Morocco) on 06/05/2012

Have you ever done a saliva test to check for low cortisol? I have very weak adrenals now and if I do any exercise it will take days to recover from it. You said you are taking adrenal support, but that may not be enough. You should be able to get the saliva test through a naturopath or you can order one online for a reasonable price through Canary Club.

Replied by Idahomom (Hayden, Id, Usa) on 06/05/2012

I only just started working out again and I only did light cardio twice, that's it! I haven't worked out much in my lifetime because this has happened to me since I could remember. I have gone through multiple tests through the Naturopath but not one specifically for cortisol. I have been taking the adrenals for years now along with kelp and thyroid glandulars off and on when my body tests that it needs it. I am just fed up with my body. I am so health conscious because of all the auto immune diseases that run in my family so I am very aware of my body and it's needs but I am stumped on this issue. I've been praying and hoping like crazy that something comes to me or someone else that will help. Thanks for the suggestion! I really appreciate any help!

Replied by Jen (Bozeman, Mt, Us) on 06/05/2012

Idahomom, What does your diet look like? Are you eating enough protein and carbs? How much of each? Do you eat a vegan or vegaterian diet? Are you taking the adrenal support because you were tested or because you think it will help? What is in the adrenal support? There are some adrenal supports that are for high cortisol and some that are for low cortisol. It sounds like you might need the ones for low cortisol. What does your stress reaction look like? Do you have anxiety attacks or have a short fuse? or Do you deal fine with stress on the outside? Also are you taking in enough electrolytes? Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, and Magnesium? Your muscles need these to be able to function.

Replied by (Hayden Lake, Id) on 06/05/2012

I eat a diet of mostly veggies some fruit (berries mostly, not high sugar fruits) I eat Gluten free and sugar free(most of the time) I eat meats lightly in the Spring and Summer and it's mostly wild game and fresh caught fish. I don't drink sodas or eat boxed processed foods. I have diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis in my family and I am very strict on my diet. I was tested with the low adrenal and take a product that contains adrenal glandulars and supporting herbs and vitamins such as... Vitamin A, C, Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacinamide, B-6, Pantothenic Acid, Zinc, Sodium, Chloride, Potassium, Licorice Root, Astragulas Root, Siberian Ginseng Root, Calcarea phosphorica 6X, and Kalium 6X. As far as stress is concerned, I am a pretty calm and collected person under stress. I am very much a "If I can't fix it or change it, I need to move on" type of person. I don't tend to dwell on issues. I take a product the helps me absorb water into my cells well, hydration gold, and I also add trace minerals to my gallon water jug that I drink down every day. I really need to look into the cortisol end and see what that is all about. I hope that gives some more insight on my issue. Thanks for all the help!!

Replied by Heather (Leicester) on 06/05/2012

Hi, have a blood test you could be anemic. Have a hair analysis done. Let us know how you get on.

Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/06/2012

Anything affecting metabolism can result in Lactic Acidosis, so its definitely worth trying some buffering before and after exercise. Magnesium Malate or a good Magnesium complex would definitely boost enzyme levels as well as energy. After some time off daily DMG and now every other day I can definitely tell a difference. DMG, like Magnesium, is involved in sooo many biological processes that it could easily rank in the top 10 all time most beneficial nutrients imho. Read the book Building Wellness With DMG for more info. I also take a 200mg SAMe prior to DMG as it also is extremely useful to many biological processes, and it boost the "methyl magic" along w/ DMG. Definitely worth trying for folks who aren't getting the results they should be getting from a variety of nutrients.

Replied by Sue (Portland, Oregon) on 06/14/2012

I have experienced this same exact situation with "exercise leads to exhaustion and illness". I remember being able to work out on the tread mill or ellipitical trainer in my 20's and 30's, but in my 40's I begin to get sick, a virus, everytime I pushed my self with exercise. Then it would take 3 weeks or so to heal from the virus, regain my strength and resolve, to exercise and the same thing would happen, I would get sick again. It was so frustrating and no one could tell me why. I read in a magazine once that if this was happening to you that you were working out "beyond your fitness level". I tend to side with the author of this, that there is something lacking in my system or there is a variable that is created by working out that causes a virus to take over.

I am now 58 and I know how important exercise is, but I can only do small short spurts of walking and some yoga/stretching otherwise I set myself up for the possiblility that I will be in bed for the next 2 to 3 weeks. I'd love to get more information about this.


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/15/2012

Sue, why isn't what you can comfortably do, enough?!

Replied by Gavin (Manganui, Northland, New Zealand) on 06/14/2012

I think you only need a thirty five min. Walk a day. Ive reached the conclusion that much of the problem with feeling lousy as you get older can be put on past bad diet and other problems clogging the bodily systems. Unclogging the system is just simply the constant, use of natural internal cleansers. Its no accident that Lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, and bicarb. along with Cream of Tartar, will clean the most stubborn stains off of just about anything. Used internally they do the same. Simply take the juice of one lemon, add a capfull of ACV. Take it in a glass of Orange juice. Everyday for the forseeable future, around mealtime. The first thing that happens is all the dead calcium that clogs the system up gets dissolved, like it does to a furry kettle, or dirty jewellry. It doesn't take long to notice a change in bodily functions and skin tone.

The next think to mention is Cayenne pepper, which even a small amount makes an immediate difference to the oxygen supply to the body, if its rubbed into the butter on a sandwich, the butter takes the heat out and makes it palatable. After awhile, these simple, cheap steps do a lot to stop the tediousness of aging. Just as an addenum a couple of cloves of garlic, with the cayenne regime clears the lungs up very quickly. It also stops the skin aging. Im 65 years old, I smoke, drink moderately, and feel better than when I was forty.

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Replied by Karina (Munich) on 06/15/2012

Hi Sue, Just an idea. What you describe might be caused by deficent nutrition - if too much mucus is present in the body exercise can awaken too many toxins and at the same time the major detox organs are already overloaded this could cause the flue you describe. This is a healing crises and is actually a good sign - but it would mean that you look into food as a cause of this situation (too much dairy, or sugars?).

Just from my feeling I would do the following in your situation - check out proper food combining (so that the colon gets relive and can work well - in short eg. No protein (cheeses, poultry etc) combined with starches (bread, potatoes etc) - vegetables are neutral and can be eaten with both - it takes a while to get used to it but it recovered me! ). Or/and get on 30 days Green Smoothie challenge to detox. You might even wish to check out that you do not have candida. Find a Wood's Colon cleanser... if you feel adventurous and have looked into the dietary adaptions.

During this phase I would test methods such as calanetics which is low impact and absolutely safe for injured backs, knees etc. - it will help you to slowly build up stamina but safely. Even just the am. / pm. 10 min. training can bring you to the next level. If that is as well too much, start with dry brushing and deep breathing every day to bring up the circulation! If you have a sauna nearby use this.

All the best!


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